Items needed are ; One pink beeswax candle
Small vile of lavender oil
A picture of the person / persons you wish to create peace and harmony between
Anoint the candle with the oil as you say :......
Let anger and hostility now depart,
As peace and harmony fill the heart.
Light the pink candle and visulize peace and harmony filling the heart and mind of the person /persons in the picture as you chant six times:
Peace and harmony are what you know,
as love and kind ness you now show.
Allow the candle to burn out and put the piture(s) away
May peace and love surround you always........
RE: Peace & Love Spell
Hi Oakapple what a lovely spell definately one for my book, i wonder if you can help me a friend approached me and asked if i knew of a love spell that will attract a certain person she knows to her because i am new to all this i really couldnt advise her i do know one with crystals but was wondering if u could help or know of a spell.
Warm Blessings
RE: Peace & Love Spell
Hi enfys....it's really quite simple, it's about you, or your friends intentions. Just try, ...if your intentions are good, then only good can come from it......here' one to help attract a lover.
empower yourself
with a special charm
to bring a lover into
your arms
you will need
A Locket
Neroli Oil
Herbs; Lavender Basil Dill
A length of gold cord
Perform this spell on a Tuesday evening, as the Moon appears.
Scent lthe locket with some drops of oil. Cut a few nail clippings and a few tips from the end of your hair. Place both inside the locket with the herbs and seal it.
Attach the gold cord to the locket to make a pendant, and hold towards the sky....Imagine yourself as a bewitching and enchanting Goddess.
As you do so, repeat this incantation aloud three times .
Magic talisman,
My secret treasure.....
Intoxicate my lover,
For ever and ever.
Wear the locked to give you confidence, and that little advantage.......
RE: Peace & Love Spell
wow oakapple..this is so interesting. I will try the first one. The second one sounds as well very interesting but i´ll better not try it out
...guess that would cause problems:D
RE: Peace & Love Spell
Protection Bag.
From the 9th - 13th May is traditionally the Festival of the dead. time for protection, here is a spell for a " Protection Bag " to keep near the entrance of your home.
items needed;...... one each of the following
a small black bag;
stones: cat's eye, flint, jet, obsidian, olivine,and onyx;
10 black beans,
one black votive candle ( in holder )
Light the votive candle. Chant the following as you place the stones in the black bag one at a time,......
To any who might cause me harm
Your powers I now disarm.
Place the bag by your front door......Then place the black beans in prominent places around your home for protection, Allow the candle to burn out.......
Oakapple xx