open q&a-wicca.witc...
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open q&a-wicca.witchcraft

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I have been getting so many emails recently asking different things about witchcraft I have decided to put this topic up. if you have a question for me post it on here and I'll try to reply as quickly as I can. that way everyone can see the answers at once so I don't need to write ten emails the same!
blessed be[sm=sandrine.gif]

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RE: open q&a-wicca.witchcraft

Dear Moonlight

Someone contacted me the other day to ask me who the 'Green Man' was and I said that I thought it was something to do with Wicca/Paganism.

I understand that you found these in medieval churchs can you tell us the reason why?

Thank you for enlightening us?

lots of love

Kim xx

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RE: open q&a-wicca.witchcraft

Some months ago, I was told someone who claims to be a witch (not wicca) had put a spell on me. this was confirmed by the witch. I was then told by someone who practices wiccan that to tell the person they have cast a spell on them invalidates the spell. Is this ture? Also if someoone -witch- casts a harmful spell won't they eventually have it rebound on them sometime?
thanks from

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RE: open q&a-wicca.witchcraft

Hi Kim,

Well, we named our nursery after him!
With his green human head, immersed in foliage, the Green Man shows not only the unity that exists between man, flora and fauna, but also the inherent symmetry of nature. Whatever his form, he is universally a symbol of renewal and continual rebirth.
The Christian church persecuted those following the old paths and nature based religions in its zeal to convert the world to their beliefs.
The pagan stonemasons who build the great Christian cathedrals rebelled against this oppression by carving both the Green Man and Sheela-Na-Gig, the symbols of the Goddess and the God, amongst the onamentation.
The Green Man is the eternal male energy in the sacred tree of life.
Together, the Goddess and the green Man bring balance and harmony - as Yin is to the Goddess, so Yang is to the Green Man. He is the consort of Mother Nature and, through him, many men have come to understand Nature's mysteries and connect with the Divine Mother, particularly in recent years when men have been isolated from that part of themselves that honours the Great Mother, the divine in Nature, and the true divinity in themselves. )0(


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RE: open q&a-wicca.witchcraft

sacred star I think chris answered your question for me! lol

tranquility, if someone casts a harmful spell yes it will come back to them threefold. I don't think it ruins the spell to tell someone but as I said if they cast a harmful spel they wil get it back three times worse anyway!

angelheart-your welcome!

blessed be[sm=sandrine.gif]
