I was just wondering what your thoughts were on online training courses for wiccan degrees. Im currently looking at (& thinking about? :confused:) the Sacred Mists level One degree?....anyone opinons?...has anyone taken these courses?
I just looked on their website and to be honest they are not teaching anything that you could not learn by going to a decent 'new age' book shop and purchasing a few pertinent books.
I can recommend the following books:
However I guess what they have done is distill the learnings needed into a neat package. Personally I like to find out for myself and I have found that I have learnt a lot more this way.
Aww, thats great. Thanks alot for the helpfull tips on books. Theres just so much info to take in and books to read...iv read quite a few already but im still a tad confused! I'll give those a go too.
Funnily enough I had a Tarot reading done for me last night and in it I was told that I would be opening a new coven and I have actually been asked to open a new coven and I was not sure if it was the right thing to do but your post has pushed me over the edge into deciding to open the coven and start teaching again so thank you too!!
Thats brilliant aikijason. Im glad to be of service. Let us know how you get on. Lucky London people, thats what i say. 🙂
If they're claiming you will actually be initiated through each degree of Wicca "online" then I would very much doubt they themselves have any initiatory line within Wicca in the first place.
I would utterly avoid any organisation that claims to "initiate", "ordain" etc people via the internet. Chances are, they've written up some shoddy training notes from a handful of Llewellyn books and are churning them out along with their "degrees" to anyone daft enough to pay for it.