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Obsession with learning of past life

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This has bothered me for some months now, it's almost become like a quest but i've let it go and tried not to think upon it. How can one tell if they were or could've been a witch in a past life? I've read alot on past lives, wiccan, and other things surrounding it.
My obsession started when I was younger practicing spells, but seems I had all sorts of bad luck once I did them, I stopped it for a long time. I did a few last year, but none recently.
Anyways, it seems like there's something missing or bothering me to no end lately, and I've been obsessed with tracing back the Salem Witchcraft Trials, but in a sense afraid of researching them. Something always stops me.
At times I think I'm just being silly, but then the dreams begin, and even when I sometimes sit at my computer I can imagine an everyday life in Salem in a past life.
I know exactly how the female looked, and can describe her perfectly. Do you think this is odd? lol wonders what the responses will be.

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RE: Obsession with learning of past life

The key could be in how you felt drawn to magic in this life. When I came back to wichcraft in this life it was like returning home. I finally found comfort. I was lucky to work with some very special and genuine people. Through things they told me I confirmed many of the things I already knew about my past lives. I have found out a lot through runes and the tarot also.
You dont say wether you have pagan friends around you. If you do you will be surprised what you will learn just through talking.

Neil C

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RE: Obsession with learning of past life

That could be true actually no I don't have pagan friends that I'm around with here in the middle of no where, where I live in a religious community you don't find too many pagans praticing and if they do...they keep it to theirselves.
Guess that's why I signed up on the forum, something was missing in my life and I still feel in a sense that it still is, however I haven't been as faithful to the pagan belief's and ways as I should, So I think that's a part of it. Actually right now I've been studying and reading up on it again to refresh anything I didn't know before.
For years I've questioned different kind of relgions and belief's and I think it has something to do with finding what I believe. laughs, I was raised as a pentecostal, i've gone to baptist, to just christian, to pagan, and I'm just now starting to go through with the learnings of association with past lives. I will also have to try the runes and tarot also. I've tried tarot before a long time ago just haven't done so in years.

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RE: Obsession with learning of past life

It's just suggestion but have you tried meditating on it? (past lives) I was lead to do that recently & had some quite unexpected but interesting results. Chances are your current spirit guide was also present somewhere during your past life/lives so ask them/him/her for guidance on it before & during your meditation. They are the best active link, in my opinion, to your past lives so give it a go 🙂


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RE: Obsession with learning of past life

Actually that's what i've been studying was meditation at the moment. I tried it the other night, but as the page said it takes some time to develop into.

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RE: Obsession with learning of past life

Yes, it goes generally take a while to get results etc from all kinds of meditations, but if you do it every day, you will start to experience things, and those experiences/results increase/are more frequent over time so it's definately worth doing. I believe & have found that meditation is the key to so many things be it learning past life info, psychic awareness in general, energy techniques etc, etc, the list is endless really.

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RE: Obsession with learning of past life

Hi there, interested to read of your interest to trace a past life. Many years ago I used to be fascinated by what I may have been previously. I had some hypnotherapy to help a fear of flying and had a spontaneous regression to a past life. I have never EVER wanted to find out what I may have been in previous reincarnations since that time. To relieve it was horrendous beyond belief and I am sure it was only that my hypnotherapist is truly amazing that I came away unscathed. (And I can actually get on board planes now. Its still not my favourite method of transport but at least I can do it!)
My own feelings now are that this is the life we are living, past and distant past has long gone, live in the now. I hope you find what you are looking for but in this future. Blessing be

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RE: Obsession with learning of past life

Interesting post gilly, I was actually considering hypnotherapy seems I know a therapist who's coming for a visit here in a few months....so perhaps i'll try it I've heard that it can help

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RE: Obsession with learning of past life

Dynasty, i understand the salem witch trials came about due to the religious ferver centered around an ergot outbreak [its a fungus that developes on stored grains] and subsequent deaths...they know this due to phorensic tests on exumed bodies,
a backward people with no other explanation blamed satan/devil and as usual in those days the women were the ones with the finger pointed at them....such was/is the oppression of the feminine by the masculine, which i suspect you are also dealing with in this life having experienced such in this life with 'other' religions and hence moved into a feminine honouring religion such as wicca.....which i feel you are aware now is alot more than just low level spellcraft/ manipulation.

If yourd like a meditation focus than i would suggest 'the empress' [grain/corn goddess] from the tarot.;)...the earth mother has much wisdom to give you.

p.s. your avatar has not gone un-noticed either.....the eastern women are the most oppressed women on earth:(

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RE: Obsession with learning of past life

Nods I know about the situations involving the salem witchcraft trials, and the reiligion part, but who's to say it's involved with salem? Other countries had witches hanged as well such as Scotland.
as far as my avatar goes, I picked it out, it's what I like, and I don't care what others think about it such as I don't care why you picked out your avatar.

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RE: Obsession with learning of past life

Hello Dynasty100,
I have had past life regression therapy and it answered questions for me. There were certain periods of time and situations in my life that I had wondered about for no significant reason. It was more than just deja vu ! It took me a long time to pluck up courage to do this but I can say it was amazing. The therapist took me right back to the year 100AD.
