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Newbie with a question!

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Hi Guys,

I'm new here and new to the world of Wicca aswell. Still looking to learn as much as I can and if anyone can recommend any particular books I can read I will be very grateful.

My main reason for writing is that I have always been very interested in Wicca and things like Telepathy, Guardian Angels etc. I have read several books about how to develop skills in Psychic Ability etc, but never seem to have the time or the space to work through the exercises!

About 6 months ago I started a new job and since then have been out with the people I work with on a few occasions. There is one person in particular who I feel particularly drawn to. When we are out and start talking I somehow know how he's feeling. I don't actually feel what he feels and he certainly isn't going to tell me as he likes to keep himself to himself, so how am I picking up on this? I have spoken to him aboutthis and although he won't specifically tell me how he feels, everything I have said to him has added up and he confirms that I am right (which freaks him out!). Am I just being particularly perceptive or could it be something more? He doesn't seem to want any help with his situation so I don't really understand why I'm drawn to him.

Any help would be appreciated!

T. x

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Amelia Jane
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RE: Newbie with a question!

Hi T & welcome to HP
There could be a number of reasons why you pick up 'feelings' from this man, you may of known each other in a past life, or, you may recognise his 'feelings' because they are somewhere within yourself, or, you maybe empethetic (is that the right word:eek:) may even start to realise that you can do this with other people, you say you're interested in psychic abilities ect so it's no wonder that you're 'opening up';)


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RE: Newbie with a question!

Hi Amy,

Thanks for your response!

I've just written a huge reply, hit preview and lost the lot so this is a shortened version!

Basically, the guy is my boss. I pick up feelings of insecurity, unhappiness and worry from him and I would love to be a friend to him and try to help him get over these feelings.

I don't really want to cause any problems at work by getting too close to him.

Should I just carry on as normal and assume he'll talk to me if he needs to or should I offer my help and let him know I'm here for him if he needs me to be? This has never happened to me before and I'm not really sure what to do! It's quite scary really!!


T. x

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RE: Newbie with a question!

Hey T
I am quite a closed person too but that doesn't mean I don't want help. Perhaps (though I'm not sure) he needs help but isn’t willing to tell himself because he may feel vulnerable if he does (I have found the same problem many a time) although I think that you may be picking up on these feelings because of how strong they are inside him which means that perhaps your ability is growing. I am not sure of this though I often have the same problem only with sensing what people are like on the inside.
Maybe you should carry on talking with him normally and if you find any change in his emotions for the worse perhaps try talking him through it. Even if he doesn't want help a little advice might not help and let him know that you are there for him. But please if you think this is the wrong advice don't follow it.
Blessed be

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RE: Newbie with a question!

Hi I have put a list of books in the Pagan fora, just above the Wicca one. yesterdays date 18th May

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RE: Newbie with a question!

OK, books.
Gerald Gardner's BOS then Alex Saunders' BOS. There you get the basic rituals and Wicca know how. Both are freely available as net books.
Paul Huson's "Mastering Witchcraft" will give you some more from the seventies with a "how to" approach.
After that Charles Leyland's Aradia Gospel of the Witches. This is available free on the net too. You'll see where Gardner and Valiente got their "Charge of the Goddess" from there.
Then Crowley's Gnostic mass and you'll see more similarities with some of Gardners stuff.
Then it's "The Lesser Key of Solomon" again freely available on the net.
Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa is worth a look at too, but its a bit heavy reading.

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RE: Newbie with a question!

Thanks Ostara, I'm compiling a list of books (in the stickies above), its not yet complete, but you have 2 there I haven't heard of, so I shall add them, the list is ongoing and growing, there shall also be one on the Pagan thread, but haven't started it yet. But if you or anyone else finds I have left a favourite off please PM meor if you have any suggestions,and if you could give a short resume, the Title, the Author the Publisher and the ISBN if known and whether for the Wicca thread or the Pagan one, the Pagan one shall cover all the other Craft Paths eventually.
As all of you are aware sometimes some books get released under the Pagan /Craft umbrella and they are not fit to read, and some of the members here are young, so we have to take care. BTW skyclad is fine, but nothing untoward

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RE: Newbie with a question!

Mery meet Sherringham,
I do aplogise. I didn't realise you had younger members here, so perhaps I shouldn't have mentioned Paul Huson's book in case they launch themselves into it and get the wrong idea. Paul does have a website somewhere I think explaining Mastering Witchcraft in more detail so one can go to the horses mouth there.During the seventiesWicca was more of a mixture of Gardners rituals and the hermetic rituals inHuson's book.
Sybil Leek is another author worth browsing and also Vivianne Crowley's "Wicca the Old Religion in the New Age". The copy I have was published in 1989 by The Aquarian Press. This book explains the subject from start to finish quite well and would be good for people starting out If it was read parallel to Alex Saunders´ BOS.
Merry meet, Merry part and Merry meet again

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RE: Newbie with a question!

Merry meet Ostara,
I think the minimum age for the site is 18, but we know about the Craft!!I've just been hunting round for a ritual for Lammas, and have now posted it, and also a link to explain the origins and customs surrounding it.
I'm assuming you are Wiccan? I'm a Celtic curve in my path at the moment, and seem likely to stay there, but I'm sure you will agree which ever way we go the average Witch could do with at least 635 years.
I'm just going to post a poem also to celebrate the Sabbat, its the Witches Ballad by Doreen Valiente.
Blessings Sherringham

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RE: Newbie with a question!

It may be that your an Empath but i dont really know much about the subject. In terms of books, my all time favourite which i have mentioned on this site a few times is 'Wicca- The Complete Craft' by D J Conway!

It great and leads you through things step by step, it explains all the basics and advances as you work through the book. Even has info on dream journals and a few spell, oils and chants in the Book of Shadows section at the back.

Best of look in exploring Wicca 😉
