i have been on this site a good while now and for some reason have never found this board.
Just want to say hello and introduce myself. I am gradually becoming more and more interested in Wiccan, especially after starting to use teh Robin wood tarot cards, been reading tarot for years but only after i discovered these cards did i really start to improve and discover what being wiccan is all about.
Realised for many years now i have been very wiccan in my beliefs and not realised just thought i was a bit different to others.
So i am slowly learning more and more, and throughly enjoying every minute. I feel my path is probably more a hedgerow witch at teh moment, as i find the whole coven thing a bit daunting but I am open minded and will see where my path leads me in the future.
Jess ( i prefer to think of myself as Moonflower for my wiccan name)
RE: New to Wicca - Hello
Hi Jess33 [sm=wave.gif]Pleased to meet you!
I am wiccan and proud of it and I can say that I have met some lovely fellow wiccans on here and in the outside world!
I have not studied tarot before but have a set called The Sacred Circle which are very pagany/witchy and I have been trying to introduce them into my spiritual readingsof late. They are beautiful but quite deep and I am not sure that I will use them a lot. I like oracle cards asthey seem to be much lighter to use and always seem very relevant to the sitter. I must say that I have never seen the Robin Wood tarot cards before, but may have to look them up, they sound interesting. [sm=scratchchin.gif]
Anyway as I said, pleased to meet you and I look forward to hearing more from you. You will certainly find lots of other people on this site who follow a pagan/wiccan pathway.Enjoy meeting likeminded people along the way! Blessings xx
RE: New to Wicca - Hello
Hi Moongoddess,
thanks for the welcome, everytime i think of wicca, i get a lovely warm feeling inside. As you say its a way of life and helps me feel comfortable in this world.
there is so much to learn and discover.....
RE: New to Wicca - Hello
Hi Moonflower 🙂
Welcome to the weird and wonderful world of Wicca! Like you, I was a wiccan for years before realising that my believes had a name. I've been a practising wiccan since 2000 and my life hasn't been the same since. Prepare yourself to be amazed and for some deep soul searching ;).
I haven't seen the Robin Hood tarot either, I use Rider Waithe and the Thoth decks and also the Animal Druid deck.
Any questions, just write them on here and we'll do all we can to help.
Blessed be
RE: New to Wicca - Hello
Hi Moongirl and Moongoddess,
Its a bit quiet this topic isn't it?
I keep reading your posts on other topics Moongoddess, very interesting.
Just been reading one about spiritulist churches and it has made me feel so much better. I have been trying to continue my development since moving to Ireland 5 yrs ago, and have come up against block after block, which is why i now feel that i am meant to develop on my own for the time being and i am hoping that by following teh wiccan pathway this will help me. So maybe a spiritulist church would not of been for me after all......
is it possible to develop on your own Moongoddess?
I find my tarot cards are talking to me more and more, which is great as i love to use them....
As for my wiccan journey , and suggestions where i should begin.......
I have just discovered there are no other Moonflowers on this site, i thought there were, so I must try to change my log in name!!
RE: New to Wicca - Hello
Welcome Moonflower. I wish you all the best following your path.
RE: New to Wicca - Hello
Hi Moonflower[sm=wave.gif]
I have just noticed your message! I will pm you in the next couple of days if that is ok? It would be good to catch up.
Blessings xx[sm=nature-smiley-008.gif]
RE: New to Wicca - Hello
Hi Moonflower
I started out onmy wiccan path with books - I read everything I could put my hands on! Later on I joined online communities, such as this, and avalonia.co.uk and Children of Artemis. From there I met loads of interesting people that later became my friends and teachers.
Witchfest is a great event and is now held in England, Wales and Scotland and the international Witchfest is held in November in Croydon. I can highly recommend it!
In the beginning I learnt by doing small rituals for all of the sabbats and also something for each full moon. You don't have to do hours of ritual work, you can simply have an altar with some God/Goddess symbols, candles, incense, leaves, flowers or whatever you feel appropriate. Feeling the flow of nature and the cycles - within you as well as without is an amazing way of rediscovering yourself and the old ways.
Moongirl x
RE: New to Wicca - Hello
Thanks for that Moongirl, that looks like a good starting point for me. I recently visited my family in the Uk, I live in Ireland and I mentioned to my mum and one of my sisters what my growing interest was in Wicca , even though they didnt really understand or perhaps maybe didnt even want to understand, they seemed to be very supportive of me and felt that if it made me happy thats what was ok. It felt nice to talk about it out loud, as i do mention it to my husband, poor thing.......books all over our bedroom floor and talking about moon cycles etc, its not every man's cup of tea, and he is very much a mans man but he is keen for me to follow what i feel is my pathway again if it makes me happy......
I cant wait to get started.......