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New newbie here! (In need of a protection spell)

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Hey, I'm new here -but I'mnot newto Witchcraft.

I'm always willing to try new spells, but the only spells I cando at this moment of time is either online spells which don't cost (and don'tinclude candles)* or spells which I pick up else where.

*Isn'tit annoying howsome spells have toinclude candles?

Anyway, I'm going rock climbing in a couple of weeks and I'd like a good protection spell.

Thanks for reading,

WhiteWitch x

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RE: New newbie here! (In need of a protection spell)

Hi WhiteWitch,

Firstly, welcome to HP! 😀
Have you ever written your own spells? In my experience, those ones work much better than other peopls spells. Using other people's work as templates works well, but personalising it makes it a lot more powerful. I'm sure you know this but you don't need candles to do magick. It is perfectly possible to do spells without them as they are only tools to help us focus & direct the magick- (even though it is more difficult to do magick without them.)

As for protection, firstly, I'd suggest you ask your guides for protection to keep you safe, & secondly, something like the bubble method works well. It's not a spell as such but it works well. In short, (if you don't know about it already) it involves visualising & materialing a protective *bubble* around you. The bubble usually consists of pure white light which you set & put in place for the duration you need it for. It is quite a simple but effective protection method. If you want details onways toconstruct it then let me know.

Love & Light,

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RE: New newbie here! (In need of a protection spell)

Hi this is a protection chant :
Craft the spell in the fire
Craft it well wave it higher
Weave it now of shining flame
None shall come to hurt or maim
None shall pass none at all

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RE: New newbie here! (In need of a protection spell)

I was asked, a while back to do a Protection spell for a friend, he needed it at a very precise time, when I would be out and about on my calls. All I had with me in the way of tools was some copper, which is a very good booster. Now, attached to this copper was my car, fortunately was waiting at a level xing at the crucialmoment , for no reason, other than the copper was conducting the spell, the car stalled, ( no I'm not an inept driver, used to drive professionally)

Some hours later I heard from my friend, things went right from that moment, he did mention something about hearinga car engine too!!

We are psychically very close, which saves on phone bills!!

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RE: New newbie here! (In need of a protection spell)

you don't have to do a spell and use candles to be protected although it's a personal choice.

The power of the mind can be used as a tool as well. There are lots of ways out there dion fortune has a book on protection as well might be able to find it in a library or run a search on psychic shielding wardning. one of the most basic is using a bubble and drawing it round the body to deflect negatove energy and to let positive energy in of course you can change this to suit your needs make it indvidual. Think of old sci fi films or any material you think of as protective or you can symbols around the protection or make it deflective by adding mirrors. the choices are endless.

there are other things to do with cleansing

i.e salt baths bathing in rosemary tea.


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RE: New newbie here! (In need of a protection spell)

How about using a talisman. If you can find a piece of jewellry or something that u can wear with u when rock climbing and before you go empower the jewellry or whatever with protective energies. Visualise a brilliant white light coming from the item and perhaps say something like:
By the Goddess and God
Earth, Air, Fire and See
Through this talisman
Protect me.
Try and make something up yourself it makes it more personal, but the key is visualiasation.
Then when you wear itvisualise the white light emitting from it again but this time pouring from it and over you.

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RE: New newbie here! (In need of a protection spell)

I use a spell I read on a website and it works aswell because on holiday I used it to makes sure no bugs got near me (cos I'm really scared of getting bitten lol)

"thrice around the circle bound
sink all evil into the ground"

I'm not sure how well the actual protection one works
blessed be lozz

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RE: New newbie here! (In need of a protection spell)


There is a crystal you can use for protection called Black Tourmaline. As your awareness levels & vibrations go up, either in general or when casting circles, it deflects negative energy and helps to keep the aura clear. You'll be aware of negative energy, but it will effectively 'bounce off' you. Turquoise is also good for protection when doing dangerous or other sports.

Namaste & Blessed Be
