Hello Everyone,
My name is Cathy but my login is Whitebearmoon. Since the white bear is my spirit animal that is where I took my login name.I have been working with andpracticingWicca for some time butstillIalways start with seeking advice as sometimes it is wise to view things from another persepctive before doing the things you want to do at the moment out of fear or other emotions. I was searching on Google for a Banishing or a Shielding spell to use on my X to protect myself, my finace and my son from his nastiness. Our house burned on January 19th and we have had to file suite against the insurance company because of non payment. My youngest son has lived with me since my divorce 2 years ago. When the house burned the X told me that he would love for Pat, (the youngest that I speak of here) to come stay with him to keep things to somewhat a normal state while school was in session. Things really turned nasty in a hurry for Pat. His Dad seems to unconsciously take out his dislike for the situation on him and I finally put my foot down and said that he was to come live with me and myfiance again. As that is where he was living before the fire. To make a very long story short, I feel that the three of us need some kind of protection for ourselves and the hatred that my X has. Can anyone lead me to a solution here. I really REALLY need your help and advice.
RE: New member with a HUGE need for help / advice
AS always mundane first speak to your solicitor and the police.
RE: New member with a HUGE need for help / advice
I have spoken with them but this person is very much a control freak and thinks that just because he is friends with the local law enforcement that he is above the law. Talking is just no good sometimes when it comes to this person. It is getting tiresome having to check over my shoulder everytime I am out and about due to idle threats. Hence the shielding or banishing spell that I was searching for.
RE: New member with a HUGE need for help / advice
I do a spell alot to keep my stuff safe from people (if I feel they are in danger) I could pm you it if you like however you'd probably have to do a huge one to keep everything safe its the only protection spell I know currently that works because I've never had to use any others
blessed be
RE: New member with a HUGE need for help / advice
I'm thinking along the lines of a smudge first, then a house protection and a shield simultaneously, then the old fave: a Witches Bottle.
Of course you need a personal protection too, and think meditating and a shield may be the best. I am asking around, if you don't mind? and will get back to you. meanwhile I have a candle waiting to be lit dressed with protection oil for you, ( have to go out again soon, but will light it after I return)
Perhaps Lozz could light a candle for you too?
RE: New member with a HUGE need for help / advice
Oh please do....that would be awesome. I would welcome the information and advice. Just let me know what you think is the most effective....and by the way, thanks for the protection candle.
RE: New member with a HUGE need for help / advice
Cathy, I take it it mind games he's 'playing' and not physical threats?
RE: New member with a HUGE need for help / advice
Oh the X LOVES to bully. Most of what he says is talk but he has threatened to do all kinds of fun things. I just don't want him bullying me or Steven and particularly not Patrick.
You know... the really sad thing here is this, (goes to show how much he cares..or doesn't) Patrick has not been around his dad much since the incident on his 16th birthday which was 5/26. However, his dad has not made even one attempt to contact Patrick to ask how he is doing or anything else. When Pat was living temporarily with his dad I made sure he had a cell phone that I could contact him. When he lost his cell phone, I made an attempt each and every day to contact Patrick to make sure all was well with him. So you see...the man has no conscience and no feelings and that is what scares me the most....a person with no conscience. Hence..the protection.
RE: New member with a HUGE need for help / advice
Can I ask what a witches bottle is? And do you have a recipe for protection oil? I have one but it uses ingredients that I will have a lot of difficulty in obtaining... its from an old book!
I hope everything goes well for you Cathy... wish I could help but can't as I have my own stuff to deal with and couldn't concentrate enough to help you.
Love and light
RE: New member with a HUGE need for help / advice
A Witches Bottle is very much for Protection, its put , concealed or preferably buried within the house walls, but not always practicable.
For instance an olive oil bottle is filled with a mix of herbs mainly lavender, sage and rosemary, and topped with nails, some tumbles for Protection (for Cathy I still have to determine) a lock of hair, nail clippings and as all these are added a chant is said to protect the person for whom the bottle is intended, ( Cathy), and if possible a drop of blood or urine is added, the top put on and sealed heavily with candle wax, a very thick coating, with wire also embedded. And placed somewhere in the home, the hearth, or under a door step even. Its a very powerful Protection, and ages old too ,houses from the 16 thC in the UK have have been demolished have all had their Witches Bottle found.
I'm still brooding on which crystals and working on the Chant, but Cathy shall have to create the bottle herself. recipe to follow soon
RE: New member with a HUGE need for help / advice
Visualising yourself in a bubble of white light and also a white bubble surounding your home also works very well for protection.
Calling on Archangel Michael for protection will also help you. He is the Archangel of protection, and has a huge energy field.
Rosi x
RE: New member with a HUGE need for help / advice
Hi Cathy,
the smudging, if you can find white sage to smudge with, this is best, start at the front door and smudge each room in turn, bidding the evil elements to leave your home, walk around smudging everywhere, including bathrooms laundry rooms etc and work your way to the back door, and open it and bid the smoke to carry away all threats and unhappy unpleasant sensations.
Once you have done that (as often as you like) gather together 3 sprigs each of lavender , rosemary and sage (blue this time) tie together with cotton or string or a rubber band even. Have ready a small bowl of salt water, and the bundle of herbsand starting at the front door (outside) dip the herbs into the salt water and draw a Pentacle on the door, outside and in, at the same time asking your chosen Deity* to protect you and your familyand your home. Walk from room to room making a Pentacle sign in the air with the wetted bundle , finishing at the back door, making the sign on the outside last.
When finished, pour the salt water down the drain, then rinse the herbs under running water and chop and add to a casserole.
* In your case I should invoke Hecate, she is the Goddess of the hearth and home. When your ex starts to act like a human and is not a threat anymore then please remember to thank the Goddess for her Protection
RE: New member with a HUGE need for help / advice
The Witches Bottle
This is best constructed after you have cleansed and Protected your home, the crystals I suggest are amethyst and clear quartz and a small piece of copper. In addtion to the nails a pinch of pins, and if you can find any rowanberries too. Vinegar can also be used as a liquid, but your own body fluids are the most powerful.
Rosi's suggestion of a shield is very similar to what I was going to suggest.
When you are carrying these tasks out , do let us know before hand and we can light candles for your added Protection.
The oil I use is a Sunseye 'Protection' oil.
If at all possible prepare yourself for these events, by gentle detoxing, ground yourself very well, meditate also, and take it slowly.