New me Old me, who knows but i am feeling myself becoming very drawn to these ways , have got myself some lovely books to explain a few things. and just want to say hi to you all on here, 🙂 over the last few years several things have happened to get my notice if you know what i mean. 😉 Love to you all and everyone.
Hi Sapphirelight,
Great to have you over here......same thing happened to me last year and my life is growing daily with experiences and learning.........
Just wondering how you changed your member name? I woudl like to change mine, wanted Moonflower which is my Wicca name and it was not taken on here for a long time, but noticed other day we have a Moonflower now, but would still like to change my name, Jess was the name I always used when I was on fertility websites before I had my little boy but now I tend to think of myself as Moonflower most of the time.
I notice you are from Wiltshire, although I am now living in Ireland I am originally from Hampshire on the wiltshire border.
Looking forward to sharing experiences,
Moonflower x
Jess33, I've PMd you regarding changing your username.
Hi Moonflower thanks for the reply and the welcome to this forum, i love your wiccan name by the way and i am sure Holistic can change your name for you if you want her to, she did mine. My decision to journey along this path has come to me quite late in life but i have had many inklings that have happened naturally over the years and in my heart i have had an absolute love of nature mother earth and the spirit in all things, now i have been drawn towards the door and finally have the courage to open it and walk through, it is this that has held me back up untill now, but i am taking it slowly and in my own time and enjoying and apreciating what i have in the process. May love and light be with you allways.
Blessed Be.:)