Mother Earth Day 8th March
On this day in China . The Goddess Hu Tu is honoured as Mother Earth with parades , fireworks and feasting . Offerings of flowers , coins , and incence are placed in small holes in the ground , blessed and then covered with soil to bring prosperity and good fortune to the community.
Dating back to the Sung dynasty , the celebration pays homage to the ground itself in the form of the great Goddess of productivity , fertility and the elements of wind and rain. In many ways this commemoration of the earth resembles our own " Earth Day "that honours the spirit of Gaia .
Gaia Offering
One green votive candle and holder
Fresh flowers
Patchouli incence
Place all the required items on a table or alter covered with a green cloth . Light the incence . Take a few moments to meditate on the Goddess Gaia . Your connection to her and the Earth . In your own words , ask the Goddess yo bless and protect you and your family . Light the candle and place it in front of the flowers as you recite the blessing.
To your heavenly vault I lift my eyes,
My hopes fears at your feet are laid,
For you who built the earth and skies,
Shall keep me strong and unaffraid.
Leave the candle to burn out . Place the flowers in the main room of your house as a reminder of the power and potential of the Goddess.
Bright Blessings
RE: Mother Earth Day 8th March
Wow.. that is amazing, thank you ...
I am trying to picture the fireworks most, the beauty of "Mother Earth Day"
RE: Mother Earth Day 8th March
You are a fount of knowledge on these days - I for one shall be carrying out the Gaia offering you describe - been so drawn to respecting and healing the earth lately.
Thanks once again!!