Hi guys![sm=wave.gif]
Just wondered if anyone can recommend more books for me to read on wicca. I have a few of the Scott Cunningham books. Which are great, but would like more. I have heard mixed reviews regarding silver ravenwolf books. Would love to hear your views and recommendations.
I have been interested in Wicca for a while now but havent got started as such wanted to do more research etc. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. 😀
Love & Blessings
RE: More Books needed
I love Kate West's books 🙂 The Real Witches Handbook was one of he first ones I read about Wicca.
RE: More Books needed
Ronald Hutton-Triumph of the Moon: A History of Modern Pagan Witchcraft - is the one I've seen recommended most often for Wiccans as a compehensive solid introduction to the historical movements that influenced Wicca. A good book perhaps to kick start your research.
RE: More Books needed
Hi fayth,
"A Witches Bible" by the Farrars is a fairly comprehensive view of Alexandrian/Gardinerian Wicca (It's actually two books in one cover; "Eight Sabbats for Witches" and "The Witches' Way")....
Anything by Doreen Valiente....
If you feel you'd like to stretch beyond what some feel to be the slightly ritualistic framework of Wicca, you could try more eclectic forms of the craft - not all witchcraft is Wicca, when all's said and done!
And away from the whole group/coven thing, there are some great books on solitary witchcraft, notably "A Witch Alone" by Marian Green and "Hedge Witch" by Rae Beth. The latter books are good because they lead you to develop your own intuitive integration with nature, not merely trying to emulate someone else's experiences. IMHO, that sort of training is worthwhile, even if you eventually decide to join a group.
Bright Blessings,
RE: More Books needed
Hi Fayth [sm=wave.gif]
I found "Book of Shadows" and "Withc Crafting" by Phyllis Curott both very accessible. And I would agree that the late Doreen Valiente, Marian Green and Janet and Stuart Farrar are all excellent authors too.
Love Celtia
RE: More Books needed
😀 Hi Celtia!
Thanks so much for your recommendations! I will check them out. Also thanks to everyone else for replying. 😀 Much appreciated. I have quite a few books to read thanks to all of you!
Love & Blessings
RE: More Books needed
Hi Fayth
I would agree with those that have posted that not all witchcraft is Wicca.
A book I found (and still find) great is "The book of Goddesses & Heroines" by Patricia Monaghan. ISBN 0-87542-573-9
This book tells the story of the Goddess from all cultures. It has helped me to call on the right power in time of need.
Neil C