Hi, I got a challenging question. Do you think it is harmful for havinga spell donefor yourself .. in relation to how people respond to you? Say a spell for success. Do you think in this case, other people that you interact with .. have theirfree will been taken away or they are being harmed? Do you think this kind of spell would affect the others? .. hope that made sense 😀
RE: Morality question about spells
Hi there
Interesting question.
I think that the most important thing is intention so if the intention is not to harm then no harm will be done. It is also very important to think what we want and put the right words to it. I read somewhere about a woman who did a spell so that somebody would remark her, and one day she walked under a ladder and paint fell on her head, well this other person did remark her but not the way that she wanted so we must be realy clear what we want. And put a sentence like and it harm none in a spell.
Otherwise use a spell for opportunity so that opportunity comes your way and you will make the most of these opportunities and with that create success!
Hope I could help here
RE: Morality question about spells
Hi thinkerbell!cute nick btw 🙂
Nice comment about intentions .. i find it hard to comprehendhowspells work with the invoking, because I know nothing about them especiallythe language of spelllol. Anyhow I understood your comments.
I was wondering how say for example, you made a spell for someone to love you .. would you call that morally right? would you call that taking away their free will or would you shrug it off andconsider it's positive change for them as long as you treat them nicely/respectfully .. lol..
RE: Morality question about spells
ORIGINAL: wolfspirit
A love spell is very tricky, it is hard to do without affecting free will, even if you dont mean to. Simply because all your emotions are involved, and you know the outcome you want.
Well I think that answers your question about free will. found this and agree. I would'nt use love spells I would suggest reading books.( if nobody else answers ) I have done a couple of spells( never love spells) I am not realy the best person to help you because everything I know comes from books I do read lots and have come down the spell path on my own. Hope that I did help you a bit.
RE: Morality question about spells
Thanks Tinkerbell, that helped! I really appreciate your help![sm=love-smiley-009.gif]
RE: Morality question about spells
Hi there,
This is my point of view, from information I have been reading in books in the past 4 years, I do not do spells. Others might have a different opinion entirely.
Questioning the morality of a spell no one can give you the correct answer, perhaps they can ease your conscious but you yourself place the intention and therefore have to realise the morality and take responsibility for it. Casting a spell around yourself is seen as white magic and bending the will of another is seen as dark magic.
Read and learn about spells before you attempt them, it is not something you can just start by casting a spell and all will be well, you can cause more harm not knowing what you are doing. Spells can depend position of the moon. Like in all areas of spirituality you have to learn about protecting yourself and others.
All spells should be done for the good of all without harm to anyone, this would include yourself, animals and influencing or bending the free will of another or the intension is selfish to meet your own gain and therefore is dark magic and can attract the wrong things with disastrous affect. In all cases using a line like: I cast this spell for the good of all and with harm to none or I declare this spell undone” is a good line to add at all times, as you might have overlooked somethingand the last line will make the spell powerless.
I for one do not believe in doing love spells, except when both people choose to do this together in free will. Be very careful what you invite or tie to yourself, it might not be right for you even though you want it. You might not know all sides of the person’s personality you are tying to you and if you find the truth, what next, do a banishing spell because you have invited heartache into your life, in which case 2 people get hurt of whom you are one. Wordings of spells can be very tricky. In all cases you are acting in a selfish way to meet your desires and intentions, who says the other person has the same intentions or desires? If that were the case they would be with you surely.
I read a story about a woman she wanted 2 things: a man and money, she did a spell, and followed it through for a week. The Friday evening late a male friend arrived at her door, guess what she was a tarot reader and he came with £20 fora tarot reading, the spell worked she got both the things she asked for, the man and the money!
Perhaps a better way to start is positive affirmations (lots of information on the forums and plenty of knowledgeable people to ask) do not start with spells until you know what you are doing and you do not question intension and morality, it is one of the first things you learn. It is about positive thinking to manifest your desire. Which ever way you choose, nothing is ever an instant solution; it takes a lot of time and dedication.
I hope this helps.
RE: Morality question about spells
In my opinion, the simple answer is to include in the spell the fact that you dont want anyone's free will to be affected or for it to come back to you negatively if it *isn't* the right thing to do - that way your covered lol. Then if it's not karmicaly OK to happen, then it won't & you've lost nothing from it.