There was a topic of discussion of some of my like minded friends and I pose this question for thought here....
If someone did something harmful or mean to you and you did a mirror spell to send the task back to them, are you setting yourself up for the threefold return?
RE: Mirrors and three fold return
Hi Whitebearmoon , You can't stop peoples thoughts .It's the "Intention" behind that thought.Would you really want someone to suffer, or would you pray that their problems are healed. Look within yourself for the answer.
RE: Mirrors and three fold return
whitebearmoon, I hope this helps...
The Rede does not command us to "harm none". It tells us that any action that will harm none is acceptable.
gentle breezes..
RE: Mirrors and three fold return
I personally don't believe in the threefold "law", so I would say no.
It may sound obvious but if you do send it back to them then add some protection into it so it doesn't backfire on you. Otherwise, add into it that the spell wont work if it isto backfire.
Do you really want revenge though? Why not just be the bigger person & leave their karmic kickback to the universe.