Mercury Retrograde,...
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Mercury Retrograde, candles, and sage

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I read once about using yellow candles and burning lots of sage during a mercury retrograde...also too somewhere else mentioned though blue candles...both colors/candles have to be lit a bit prior to the retrograde. Tried it once things went pretty smooth....but that was only once could just be too earlier of a tell. There is a Mercury retrograde coming up soon this month!. Has anyone worked with this.


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RE: Mercury Retrograde, candles, and sage

Hi Charish, found this on the net thought it might help.

On March 20th, 2005 at the Equinox—the cosmic turning point—Mercury, the cosmic magician, turns retrograde again, sending communications, travel, appointments, mail and the www into a general snarlup! This awkward period begins a few days before the actual turning point (as Mercury slows) and lasts for three weeks or so, until April 12, when the Winged Messenger reached his direct station. At this time he halts and begins his return to direct motion through the zodiac.

The web site is

Hope this helps.

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RE: Mercury Retrograde, candles, and sage

My gosh.........i wonder could this have any effect in the 4 weeks or so leading up to it ell,as i have had alot of communication problems of late email,been through 4=5 phones......home phone died twice and cant get in with my therapist! what do you all think?:)

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RE: Mercury Retrograde, candles, and sage

My life just turns uppside down as well as my partners. Part of our problem is that both our ruling palnet is Mercury! ( I am virgo and he a gemini)

So if someone actually has some ideas how to reduce the effect, I would be eternally gratefull!!

These are the sort of things that happen to us:
car break down, both of our computers breaking down, payments made not processed, car accidents, meeting people from the past (blast from the past in a major way sometimes) messages not reaching recipients, breaking of anything mechanical or electric such as DVD player etc.

There is more but I suppose you get the idea....
