I had a very active night lat night, couldnt sleep very well and had lots of disturbing dreams but I also had a vision......
I had the name Tibetstar come to me and a vision to the right of a very clear face.......I also got a very clear image of an eye......in my forehead area?
What could these mean, after googling this morning, i found some links to the goddess and wiccan beliefs, can anyone enlighten me more, as i feel there was a message in this............
Is Tibetstar related to Wicca in anyway?
Many blessings,
Well, after some more searching, I beleive I have found a meaning......i have the White Tara goddess, who has an eye in her forehead and the image i had was of a very fresh young looking face but I wasnt too sure if it was a male or female.......
Any thoughts??
White Tara is also a bodhisattva, sometimes referred to as the bodhisattva of longevity, healing and serenity in Buddhism.
It could also be your guide showing themself to you?
C xxx