Magic, Spells, etc
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Magic, Spells, etc

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Hi Everyone

Would appreciate a little bit of advice. I was wondering if it is wrong to pay someone to do a spell or magic for you, to help achieve what you want in life. I have recently readadvertisements of people who offertheir services to help you achieve what you want. Is this possible? I am a little out of my depth here. The problem I would want help with is a general one - ie I would not want someone to be coerced via magic to do something against their will, or anything like that. Am I right in thinking that magic is an energy and is it what is in the mind of the user that makes it “good” or “evil”? How would I know that the person giving this help was “good”. I am sorry if someone else has posted something like this before. Have just started looking at this forum.
Thanks for any help you may give.
Love and light

PS What I would want help with is getting started in my business.

7 Replies
Amelia Jane
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RE: Magic, Spells, etc

Hi Gem1n1
I wouldn't say there's anything 'wrong' with charging for the service, after all people pay for things like reiki treatments but personally I would be very dubious about it all & wouldn't wish to seek 'spells' from someone selling them. Many people who pratise spell casting don't do anything that would interfere with anothers free will, as far as I'm aware anyway..but free will is 'owned' by the individual & what affect 'magick' would have on that is debateable (sp[:o]) I supose

Have you ever tried to try yourself to bring 'positive vibes' into your situation? Crytals are good for things like this & citrine is my personal favorite esp with things concerning business, money or manifestation. you don't need to follow witchcraft, wicca or any other 'named' path to help bring in positivity & to clear your path to accumplish your ambissions

Love Amy (having a 'worse' them normal spelling day today[:o]...anyone got a good 'spell' for that:D:D)

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RE: Magic, Spells, etc

Hi Gem1n1,
I have to say I agree with Amelia on being very dubious & wary of that sort of service. Yes I am sure there are some legitimate ones out there but you'd have to find them first!
Why don't you try doing a spell for yourself? Have a look online to find out more about the how-to & just keep it simple. I believe that spells for yourself, done by yourself are more effective than if done by someone else anyway.
Love & Light

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RE: Magic, Spells, etc

Hi Gem1n1,
Good luck starting your new business. You didn't say what it actually is, but I would try the traditional route.....that involves, research, and marketing, and then loads of hard graft.....if magic and faith are already a part of your life, then your half-way there.....there's masses of info on starting a business here on hp......just ask.....and if you need a spell for anything, I'm sure there is someone here who will oblige you without cost....... there is no easy way to start up your business.....just hard-work.

trust yourself.

Oakapple xx

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RE: Magic, Spells, etc

Like everything, it all comes down to intentions.
There is 'good' and there is 'bad' in is the how of it that really matters.

Word of mouth is always the best recommendation, and there is nothing wrong with 'crossing the person's palm with silver'...we all need to pay our bills after all. Most people I have found are uncomfortable with getting something for I am too....because they (and I)don't feel that they can ask again if more treatment or spells are needed.
It is only an exchange of energy after all.

There are some very good books for spell-casting, and the ones I bought my Daughter were the books by Silver Ravenwolf.
I believe the first one is called 'To ride a silver broomstick.'
They are simple, straightforward and have good spell recipes.

I also agree about putting out positive thoughts or energy about it.....the better way, for myself, I have found is to put out the request, maybe even write it down, then just try toforget about it.
If it is meant to be it will happen. Nothing that is truly ours can pass us by, unless we choose not to have it.

Good luck with your venture Gem1n1.

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RE: Magic, Spells, etc

Dear Everyone

Thank you for your help and suggestions. What I want to do is to work for myself as a Therapist offering Reflexology, Aromatherapy,Swedish Massage and also Crystal therapy. I do feel I would be good as a Therapist because of the positive experiences I have had so far and the passion I feel for it. I'm currently a PA and no longer want to do this - I am beginning to hate going in to work.

I will concentrate to put out more positive energy and would also appreciate a spell to help me if anyone can suggest one. I also wear citrine because it's a happy stone, as well as for business. My aim is to continue working until Spring next year and then try to go part-time and usemy free time for the therapies. It's the only way to do it when you're on your own.

I also had a horrible dream the other night, which I remembered, and that is unusual for me, as I only seem to remember when they are important. I had made myself two small baked potatoes for tea.I opened them both upand a little hole appeared at the top of each and a large cockroach crawled out of each one. Yuck! This really bothered me so I looked up what cockroaches in a dream meant:

"Cockroaches - When dreaming about these dreaded insects, the unconscious mind may be hinting to the dreamer that he needs to reevaluate and reassess a major part of his life. There is never just one roach; thus, the areas of life that need cleansing and renewal may be deep and wide. The negativity or contamination that is represented by the roaches may affect a great deal of your life. Thus, this may be a call to clean your psychological, emotional, and spiritual self. (Also, examine your motives!) (I got this from [link= ][/link]).

Sorry if I've gone on too long but it sort of explains things, a little, I hope.
Love and light.

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RE: Magic, Spells, etc

I don't have a spell for you...however, I do have an 'Angelic Ritual for Abundance and Success.'
This comes from the book, 'A harmony of Angels' by Angela McGeer. She does beautiful Angel cards too.

The Ritual:

You will need:
A deep blue or turquoise cloth. A candle to match. Frankincense essential oil. A Lapis Lazuli or Turquoise crystal.

Take the candle and etch into itthe symbol for Jupiter...this is like the fiqure four (lower case)with a backward bending tail on top ofthe first downstroke. (Maybe best to Google the symbol).
Place the candle in the East.
Anoint your candle with a drop of the Frankincense oilto aid your quest.

Place your lapis or Turquoise in the West..this further secures your foundation and aids wisdom and prosperity.

As you light the candle, call on the Angel Zadkiel to assist you in the name of the planet Jupiter and say that you wish to send your affirmation foryour highest good.

Next recite the following, from your heart:

"I am grounded and safe and with the help of the Angels,I open my heart to radiate love and light to the universe.
Earth, air, fire and water nourish me and give me life, wisdom and health.
In return I send healing to Mother Earth, to her atmosphere and those within it, to her waters and those on or in them; to her soil and those who live by its bounty.
I am part of the cosmos and the spark of the Divine is within me.
The river of life flows through me...the abundance I need will come to me in surprising ways and obeying universal laws, I shall give as I mean to receive, as an expression of my eternal gratitude to the Creator.
As above, so below.
As below, so above."

Now let your affirmation go. There is no need to dwell on it..simply send it then forget about it.

If you can, leave your candle to burn out. If not, snuff it not blow as this loses energy.

Remember to give thanks to the Angels at this time and thereafter.

For luck:

Take a crystal that fits into the palm of your hand.
Hold it in your left palm.
Call on the Angels and make your wish.
Say your wish out loud 3 times with the words..
"In Love and Light, Love and Light, Love and Light."
Finally with your right palm, push your wish into the crystal until your two palms are closed together.
Your wish is then encapusulated and your carry your crystal around for luck.

Good Luck Gem1n1.

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RE: Magic, Spells, etc

Dear Sarahk

Thank you. I will try it.
Love and light
