I wondered what people are going to be doing for Mabon. It is my birthday on Mabon and I like to do something different each year. New recipes that I can use and new ideas for decorating my home for Mabon. So I wondered if anyone would like to share what they will be doing and if no one minds to use a couple of ideas fo my own celebration.[sm=idea.gif]
RE: Mabon
Can i be ignorant and ask what mabon is all about? I'm new to this and learning all i can.
Thank you 🙂
RE: Mabon
Hi Mir...
Mabon is the Autumn Equinox, where day and night are equal length...
RE: Mabon
hello again... what day is that on? I have a feeling its around the 23rd. Am i right?
RE: Mabon
Hi Mir...
It is on the 21st of September... 🙂
RE: Mabon
MM Mir
Mabon is on the 21st September and is the Autumn Equinox when light and dark are equal. It is the last harvest when nearly all harvesting is complete. It was a time when markets, festivals and processions were full of gaiety. It is the time of year to set aside old disputes, grudges and quarrels, to discard unwanted habits and traits.
Generaly it is time of plenty and to make the most of all the fresh fruit and vegetables that are available as well as any hedgerow fruits that are around.
Making things like fruit cobblers, fresh fruit salads, jam and preserves are all traditional at this time of year. Any vegetable dishes are also traditional along with corn bread and baked squash. Fish is also traditional as it is plentiful and should be more reasonable in price as well.
You can decorate the home with things like ears of corn if you can get them, fruits and nuts in baskets, dried leaves in various colours that you can simply pick up from the ground. Putting them into a small basket or dish can look really pretty.
Mabon is the close of Summer and the start of Autumn so there is a variety of colours that can be used from all the shades of green to all the Autumnal colours that are starting to appear.
I love Mabon and not just because it is my birthday it is a lovely start to the Autumn Season.
RE: Mabon
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here's alink for Mabon, I shall try to find something more Witchy in appearance, as this is a bit bare bones factual, and if anyone has Ritual they should like to post in due course, there is 5 and half weeks to go!