Love spell needed
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Love spell needed

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Some of you Wiccans may disapprove of love spells but I feel it is really needed.

I have a crush and I really like 'this guy', I want to try a love spell on him. Nothing too difficult of course. Something simple like planting the idea of me and him in his head.

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Amelia Jane
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RE: Love spell needed

I think the main reason people don't approve of love spells is because it interfers with 'free will' & from what I've heard there's seldom a 'happy ever after' at the end..but I'm sure that someone may tell me I'm wrong on that:eek:

Can I justsuggest though if anyone does come along who knows of such a spell & wishes to help WhiteWitch to please send spell information through Private Message

Many thanks

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RE: Love spell needed

I totally agree with you, Amy. WhiteWitch said "Some of you Wiccans may disapprove of love spells ....." and I recall someone asking for the same thing a while ago, and several Wiccan members did indeed disapprove very strongly.

I'll see if I can find the thread, and also perhaps a weblink that comes to mind as maybe being useful about this kind of thing.


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RE: Love spell needed

This is the thread I was thinking of:

[link= ][/link]
see posts 4 and 5.

This was about bringing back an “old” boyfriend, but I’m sure the principle is the same. Also mentions the law of threefold return. Perhaps "gave warnings" would be more accurate than "disapproval".

Also a more recent one, on similar lines:

[link= ][/link]

And here's the website, which was very highly recommended elsewhere as being educational and non-rubbishy:

[link= ][/link]


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RE: Love spell needed

you'd be better off just getting to know him any way because guys aren't always all that they seem. also imagine the consequences... i know this is an extreme but in the craft where that guy stalks her then tries to rape her or what ever and ends up being like a walking zombie.... I know that wouldn't happen but could you really do that to someone if you liked them i would rather a life by myself than to have someone completely mindless because of me.
blessed be

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RE: Love spell needed

I guess you guys are right. Yes. You are right. I'm just going crazy because I like him that much ^_^

Thanks for the help / advice.

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RE: Love spell needed

Aww White Witch hun is so unfair when the person we like so much doesnt even notice us:(.Unrequited love hu who needs it ? NO ONE. But i'm willing to bet hun that the only spell you need here is your own charm;). Get out there & work your own personal magic by showing him what a good catch you are hun by just being YOU.
Good luck sweetie.[sm=1kis.gif]

Love & blessings Maria xxx

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RE: Love spell needed

if he likes you he will come to you. No use in forcing it if it's meant to be it will be and who knows maybe he isn't the right one anyway if you did get him. The spell could backfire he could get clingy or even be quite hostile. or the spell might be cast not work and he may end up distancing himself.

There could be someone else amazing around the corner and he is being put to one side maybe by some cosmic law who knows just a thought...and there are happier times ahead... we never can be sure of this. Try getting to know him say hello give him a smile as that is somthing we forget to do smile. Strike up a friendship get to know his interests. if it's meant to be a burning passion of a rollercoaster ride so be but ...take a step back get to know the guy and see if there's anything in common. Don't forget he's not a God but a guy, just a human being.

My wife would hate me saying this but.

In the past yes I have had crushes. I remeber a date i had and the person I finally got the date with wasn't how i expected them to be.
I had this huge image of them we had nothing in common and we were both on different wavelengths. I was actually scared of her she scared me off!! turned out she was interested and I wasn't how odd that was....i'd put her on a pedestal seen her in shops smiled at her and thought wow she's great a Goddess.

Now my wife is strong don't get me wrong strong women are good but you need some sparks that's from both people and somthing in common & we are happy...we started as kept chatting off and on at my old works...then we got to friends....and it developed from there.

just putting my 2 pence in as a guy.

feel free to comment.

anyway if it's meant to be it will be...


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RE: Love spell needed

isn`t there a small rag type doll for this sort of thing

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RE: Love spell needed

Sorry, just not into love spells![sm=eeeK.gif]

If you can't win him round, then he's not for you, and as Lucas says your one true love could be waiting in the wings.

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RE: Love spell needed

Yeah im not really into love spells either i was at 13 when first lookin into the craft, like most ppl i suppose. One thing i did do tho which had really good affects and doesnt mess with 'free will' was to pray for (if possible) obstacles that stood in the way of my being with the person i liked to be removed, anyhow we've now been together over 2 yearsand are engaged.

If you make your own spell or even prayer that focuses on the removal of obstacles rather then 'making' him like you then it is morally acceptable and means that if its not meant to be it wont happen. Remember to always leave it to the higher powers though, some things simply arent meant to be and perhaps for a very good reason!

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RE: Love spell needed


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RE: Love spell needed

Thank you. Wicca has really helped me morally i think and thats what i like most about it. Ive learnt to be more open-minded, non-judgemental and apreciative!

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RE: Love spell needed

I found this, its an ethical love spell and is dedicated to the Goddess Selene:

Take a silver cloth and place it on the ground where the Moon can shine on it. Place a silver goblet with liquid in it on the center of the cloth. Write the name of someone you desire, or the qualities you want in a mate, on a round mirror, and say:

O goddess Selene,
Hear my request
Shine on the one
I love the best.
My Moons true love
By me be seen
Tonight within
My sacred dreams.

Drink the liquid, then go to bed to dream of your love. If Selene grants, by the turning of one month, you will meet your love.

By: Nancy Bennett
Reprinted here with kind permission of [link= ][/link][/blockquote]

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RE: Love spell needed

You can find love spells and quite a few other ones in Paul Huson's "Mastering Witchcraft". Also if you read Leyland's "Aradia Gospel of the Witches" you'll find what you want.

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RE: Love spell needed

yes you are right that some wiccans dont agree with love spells. remember the wiccan rede " an it harm none do what thou wilt " it interfers with free will. you can cast a non specific love spell to attract someone. try some poppets and binding them in red ribbon.

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RE: Love spell needed

Hi W/W,

I strongly disapprove of love spells for the reasons you state. I hope that this man comes to you of his own free will.


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karma isnt a very nice thing so be very carful what you wish for you might just get it but get a huge backlash of karma to deal with. I have heard of this thing before and see the after effects its not always a pretty site. havent tried it myself as I had someone try to use magic to make me into them and i said no. I ended up with them stalking me.
Ihave also know people who have done spells against their bfs freewill and the backlash was shocking.

"do as yea will harm yea none"

I think you need to think what you are doing. you can swear tell me to...whatever but if he becomes aggressive which does happen, because he gets obsessed from the spell be carful what will happen. such as you stop caring and the crush goes away and he wont leave you alone at all hes instent you have a bond between you. (saw it happen)

ok dont believe me and do this but should it blow up in your face i did warn you so did everyone else.

just be carful.

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Hi prism and a very warm welcome to Hp,:wave:

Whilst your advice is most welcomed on the discussion forums,:) i just thought i would mention the last time the thread starter WhiteWitch posted was in 2006.

On behalf of the Moderating Team,

calla lily x

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oh, i was all excited then, that we had a new topic going on......

welcome Prism!!

Moonflower xx

i had a read of thread anyway, very interesting as always

Moon Raven
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Same here Jess! 🙂

Welcome to HP Prism, good to have you on here and look forward to hearing more from you.
