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Looking for fellow wiccans

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Im looking for other wiccans/pagans to share spells, rituals etc with. Anyone interested?

19 Replies
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RE: Looking for fellow wiccans

*raises hand* PICK ME! 😀

I know I'm probably out of your area, but I've been trying to find more wiccans to talk to whether online or in person. Feel free to email me.

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RE: Looking for fellow wiccans

Merry meet shadowskin...mail me if ya want

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RE: Looking for fellow wiccans


Im up for talking to 🙂

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RE: Looking for fellow wiccans

As i said before... but thought I'd put it on here aswell... I'm upfor chatting... I think we have a lot in common 🙂

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RE: Looking for fellow wiccans

Me too, me too! 😀

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RE: Looking for fellow wiccans

hee hee cool!!! I'll PM people when im on my lunch, im at work at mo u see, naughty me should be working :D!Anyone wanna PM me feel free. Talk soon

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RE: Looking for fellow wiccans

sounds good include me to please:)

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RE: Looking for fellow wiccans

Does anyone now where i would found a good online coven?

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RE: Looking for fellow wiccans

Shadowskin and Others, you are very unlikely to find a 'good online coven' that is both safe to join and use.
From personal experience most are run by the most peculiar people under the guise of High Priest/ess.
The usual route to meet others in your Path is to join penpal sites and pick and choose carefully, and take it slowly.

I and 2 others have formed our own group, we are not an onlineCoven, but are in real life. Not necessarily Wiccan either, but cover all paths and traditions, although personally I started out Wiccan, most do, but my path has veered towards the Celtic

Another word of caution about Chat rooms, take those very slowly and do not reveal your email addy at all.
Having said all that real Witches are very safe and friendly people, but there are those who are not Witches who fly under our banner and who do have their own agendas.

When you are casting Spells prepare carefully and ground and protect yourself. These are very strong events and must be carried out with all due care.

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RE: Looking for fellow wiccans

yeah completely see ur point. I hate it when people give paganism a bad name, it jus creates further stigma to oveercome. Id like to be able to make a 'proper' coven with people in my areaa but i dont really know any pagans/ wiccans in my area and been only 19 the people i have met i quickly realised were only into it for the thrill and as a method of rebellion.

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RE: Looking for fellow wiccans

Thanks for posting, Sherringham. We're fortunate indeed to have someone of your knowledge and experience in this forum, to gently guide those who are starting out on their Wiccan path, as well as the more experienced.

Perhaps it might be a good idea if we can gather together some online links and make them into a "sticky"for futurereference to pin to the top of the forum. I know I've given links in the past, eg to the PF, but they're dotted around a number of different threads. Will PM you. Thanks again.


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RE: Looking for fellow wiccans

Count me in

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RE: Looking for fellow wiccans

😉 hey there, would love to be counted. xxxxxxxxx

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RE: Looking for fellow wiccans

hi i'm in the same situation adn also dont know weither to choose paganism to study

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RE: Looking for fellow wiccans

Just spotted this - I'm interested too!:)

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RE: Looking for fellow wiccans

Count me in if Newcomers are welcome.

Blessed be


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RE: Looking for fellow wiccans

Hello Sherringham

I hope you don't mind me dropping you a line or two. After reading your entry you strike me as someone with a great deal of experience in the beliefs and practice of Wicca. I am relativley new althought i have had some interest over the years. I have started to read alot but there are so many interpretations I am abit overwelmed with finding one particular path to follow. If you are able to offer me any advice I would be most grateful for any help. I am 37 years old with children living in Suffolk. I would say I am mature and not just turning to Wicca to appear cool to friends I am abit old for that. I really do feel this is the path I want to go but need alittle guidence.

Kind regards

Michael Howard

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RE: Looking for fellow wiccans

Hello ScryMan

I feel we are both in the same place. I too am looking to Wicca for answers. I am 30, living in Suffolk and looking for answers. Maybe we could chat some time, take care.

Best wishes


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RE: Looking for fellow wiccans

Well, well, well ........................ some fellow Pagans in Suffolk! Anywhere near Bury St Edmunds or Ipswich?

As Sherringham has so rightly hinted, the whole Paganism 'scene' can be a minefield, so caution is needed. For those who are keen on joining covens, I'd advise to stay away from on-line ones. The whole thing about covens is the trust and energy that is built up between members ....................... a very difficult, if not impossible, thing to achieve on-line. I'd say that the best way to find a coven or moot in your area is to do a search via The Pagan Federation or UK Pagan Links which list these things.

There are pleny of Pagan-type forums to join ...................... just do a Google for Pagan Forums, Wiccan Forums, Witchcraft forums or whatever. They're not chat rooms; they're places where people can post questions, have debates and disussions etc, and they can be a good learning resource. Bear in mind that there are some good ones and some bad ones .................... it's trial and error! I'm a moderator on two Pagan forums, so if any of you are interested in having a look or joining,PM me, and I'll send you the links.

I've just added a small selection of links in the Websites/Links Section that you might find useful.

