Learning the Wiccan...
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Learning the Wiccan Way

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Merry Meet everyone.
I am learning the Wiccan Way.
It has taken me years to see this is the way for me, as i have always felt there was something missing from my life and this was it. It was like someone had swtiched the light on !
Iam now 38years old married with two children, so it has taken along time to find, 😀

I would love to hear from anyone with advice or help or even just a chat

Love and Light
SerenBlack :):)

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RE: Learning the Wiccan Way

hi hunnie.. have you read any books on the subject??.. there are many available but choice is a personal thing... scott cunningham is one and casandra eason is another as well as silveravenwolf.... have a good browse about as there are some very good basic books on the subject.. withouth them getting you all confused.. lol...:D

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RE: Learning the Wiccan Way

thanks for the reply,iam reading everything i can and iam doing a study course on the subject.
its good to know that there are kind people out there to help me
love and light

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RE: Learning the Wiccan Way

tis the greatest gift of alll.. help and support... enjoy your reading... xx

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RE: Learning the Wiccan Way

Hello Seren!
I am also new to Wicca. It has been such a comfort for me, especially lately. I'm learning to see things in a whole new way. I used to be very angry, but now I am learning to control my emotions and bring more clarity into my life. I know I am young and inexperienced at life, but thanks to Wicca I am learning that no matter what age you are, there is always something more to see, learn, and do.
If you ever feel like chatting, I would love to talk to you some time. ^_^


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RE: Learning the Wiccan Way

heya serenblack
I got into wicca about 5 years ago and I felt the same as you did but the advice I have to give you is start at the basics and work up. I'm a knowledge horder so I always look at the furthest point and then come back from there and end up getting completely lost. but if you take it a step at a time it gets less difficult
blessed be

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RE: Learning the Wiccan Way

Wicca have given me moral insight and and has taught me alot about myself. I feel i have always believed and followed it but it wasnt until i was around 13 that i realised what i believed in was actually wicca
