Lammas Ritual
Items needed: -
Goddess candle (silver)
God candle (gold)
Lammas Candles, yellow and orange
Two Green candles for spell work
Appropriate Incense
Appropriate Altar cloth (if used)
Harvest Vegetables (corn, squash, etc)
Grains (oats, rice, wheat, rye, etc)
Fruits (apples, berries, cherries, plums, etc)
Cornbread and Apple Cider (cornbread recipe in Witches Kitchen under Lammas)
Anything that is personal to yourself
Arrange your Altar, light the candles, censer and then cast your Circle.
Cast your Circle by visualizing white light circling clockwise around you, until you feel calm and centred.
Call in the Elements: -
Air, Fire, Water, Earth,
Elements of Astral Birth,
We call you now, attend to us!
In the Circle, rightly cast,
Safe from psychic curse or blast,
We call you now, attend to us!
From cave and desert, sea and hill,
By wand, blade, cup and pentacle,
We call you now, attend to us!
This is our will, so let it be!
The Blessing Chant: -
May the powers of the One,
The source of all creation;
All-pervasive, omnipotent, eternal;
May the Goddess,
The Lady of the Moon;
And the God,
Horned Hunter of the Sun;
May the powers of the Spirits of the Old Ways,
Rulers of the elemental realms;
May the powers of the stars above and the Earth below,
Bless this place, and this time, and we who are with You.
We now invoke the Goddess and the God: -
Invocation to the Goddess: -
Crescent One of the starry skies,
Flowered one of the fertile plain,
Flowing one of the oceans sighs,
Blessed one of the gentle rains;
Hear our chant midst our circle bright
Open us to Your mystic light,
Waken us to Your silver tones,
Be with us now in our sacred rite!
Invocation of the God: -
Blazing God,
You who are the Kings of the Gods
Lord of the Sun
Master of all that is wild and free;
Father of the woman and man,
Lover of the Goddess and protector of all,
Descend we pray
With Your Solar ray of power upon our circle here!
Pick up your wand with your right hand, face the North with arms stretched out above head and say: -
What will be is.
What was will be.
The Wheel of the Year forever turns.
Dark to light, light to dark,
Each season passes with lessons learned.
We plant with love, tend with respect,
And at Harvest time our yields reflect,
The bounty of our Mother Earth,
Ripened by our Father Sun
Now upon our altars,
Gifts we offer the Two that are One.
As each day passes, shorter than the last,
May we be reminded of the seasons that have passed.
The marriage and the seeding of the Goddess in May;
Her womb swollen with life anew at Summer Solstice Day;
All this time the father Sun has shone with so much pride.
Rising early, setting late;
Now that Hes supplied the warmth and light
For the good of the Earth
He knows that His death is drawing near.
But His secret He understands,
That with the turning of the Wheel,
His rebirth has been planned.
Place your wand upon the Altar and with both hands gesture to the Harvest Vegetables, Grains and Fruits you have placed upon your Altar: -
Truly blessed are we that receive the bounty of the Harvest,
Blessed be our Mother Earth,
Blessed be our Father Sun,
As he teaches us of life, death and rebirth.
We honour thee,
RE: Lammas Ritual
thank you soo much for doing this for me i am so greatful
let me know what time it will be so im ready looking forward to it:)
RE: Lammas Ritual
The time for the Ritual is 11.30 pm Friday 4th August.
RE: Lammas Ritual
Merry meet everyone,, the Moon has begun to wax again, could everyone send some Energy to Dreamer.