I am new to this site and thought I would like say hello to everyone and introduce myself. I am a Solitary Eclectic Hearth Witch. I am about to embark on a new course about Medicine Wheels and next year will be learning about Native American Beleifs. I have a keen interest in this and have decided it is time to learn more.
I am always ready to learn something new and if I can to help others as well.
Gardening is a passion with me as is cooking, growing herbs and vegetables in my tiny garden is rewarding as I can have really fresh ingredients. Any tips on growing veg in pots would be great.
I live in the UK, I am married and have a cat named Jet, yes she is black and full of mischief. I look forward to posting here and making new friends.
RE: Just saying Hello
Welcome Autumn Moon 😀
RE: Just saying Hello
Lovely to meet you Autumn Moon ~ hope you enjoy your stay with HP
Many blessings
stormdeva x
RE: Just saying Hello
Welcome Autumn Moon!
The Medicine Wheel course sounds very interesting, where are you taking it?
See you around 🙂
RE: Just saying Hello
MM Moongirl
I am taking the course with Circle of Stars it starts later this month. The site address is
All the courses are free and I have found them very good.
RE: Just saying Hello
hello autumn moon... very nice to meet you. So explain the solitary eclectic hearth witch? I'm new to wicca and still learning. I class myself as a hedge witch as i like to be by myself when casting spells and lighting candles, incense, etc.
Where do you live in the uk? Are you near a forest or anything like that? I have spent the day reading and burning joss sticks down the enbankment in bedford, bedfordshire. It is so beautiful there.
Love and light
Maryann x-x-x
RE: Just saying Hello
Hi Autumn Moon
Warm welcome to HP. You mentioned that you are going to learn about Native American beliefs next year. This is a fascinating subject, is it something you have always been interested in?
RE: Just saying Hello
Enjoy the Site Autumn Moonxx Eve
RE: Just saying Hello
Solitary Eclectic Hearth Witch. I work on my own I am not part of a Coven. Eclectic well I have blended things form other paths into my own like the Native American beleifs, Elementals and Animal totems. Hearth Witch is a kitchen witch I work with foods and make things like my own cleaning stuff. I use candles and insence, oils and work spells with runes and use candle magic.
I live in Milton Keynes so no forest just Willen Lake and the canal we do have a woods but I would not go there too many undesirable people use it. I live in a one bedroom ground floor flat with a tiny garden. I make the most of what I have and grow herbs and veg along with flowers. There is aleays plenty to do, I love my garden.
RE: Just saying Hello
I have always wanted to learn more about Native American Beliefs. I heard things about their beliefs and was interested from being around 10. I grew up wanting to learn about all sorts of things and would spend hours sitting in a field next to a stream watching nature all around me.
Funny thing is I only found out a couple of years ago that my father was a wich and that his mother was and his grandmother as well. It was all kept quiet as the family would not have liked it. My father was born in 1906 so you can see it was along time ago and things were a liitle different then. Today we can talk to each other and not be afraid of being labeled as weird.
Well now at the age of 51 I can learn about Native American beliefs with ease along with other subjects like learning about Runes it is wonderful and I feel very lucky to be able to do so.