Hiya folks - just seen this wookey hole are after a live-in witch with a pro-rata salary of £50k!!
Advert seems a bit tongue in cheek but there you go
Blessings x
Ah yes heard it on the radio yesterday. I thought the presenter said 15K but 50K wow; off to apply now! 🙂
Yeah did contemplate applying for this one. I even have a pointy hat though but its purple not black do you think they would notice?
nah, and if they did, just say you're a witch with a difference! 🙂
Lol... I think most witches in today's age are witches with a difference, we're definitely unlike the stereotype put on us.
One comment in the job description refers "Wookey Hole wants the appointee to go about her everyday business as a hag," - I think I don't quite fit this requirement, wouldn't describe myself as a hag except maybe first thing in the morning before I brush my hair and teeth.lol
Another requirement is "causing a variety of social ills including crop failures and disease. She also turned the local milk rancid." - Hmmm... I just don't have this in me I don't think, but maybe with a little practice? It's worth £50K after all.
this one certainly made me giggle yesterday
Yeah, it's pro rata - and they don't tell you how many weeks (days??) a year they need you for! 😉
Also all your info will belong to them, and your filmed audition will be part of a documentary! Beware! 😀
Documentary eh? Hadn't read that bit! Did get the job desc today tho - will have a proper read through. They do ask for a good historical knowledge of witches - wonder if that's the politically correct one - or the one with tales of persecution?!
Blessings ~ Wispy
I wonder if one of my cats would object to me dying his fur black!
I guess the biggest thing is that it appears you have to "live" in the caves:
And it's open to either sex. 😉
My thoughts are they need to get themselves an actor/actress...not a witch 😉
That said...I can think of a few people off the top of my head who might find themselves quite at home in the caves :027:
Barbara x
They didn't get an actor - they got an estate agent.
Call me cynical but whoever thought this one up did an amazing job - in all the papers and national TV news. No doubt they'll have plenty of tourists going there now, if they didn't before.
Love Binah
A clever marketing plan!
I used to act in theatres as I enjoy it (unpaid) but then started working seasonally for a scare attraction company as a "scare actor". I made a loss at this originally as the productions were too far away for the hourly rate but I didn't care as acting is my hobby, not my income.
Anyway, things have since moved on and I now write and produce shows for them (when I have time, I still see this as a hobby). I am currently taking part in a TV show as part of a makeover team for a very well known millionaire (can't give the details yet due to the contract) where we have to turn around another tourist attraction in Cornwall that hasn't been updated for about 30 years. As an alleged "expert" in this field, I think Wookey Hole has had a fantastic PR/Marketing idea and to be honest, if we had less business commitments then either my wife or I would have applied for this.