I am Originally from London but raised in Germany as my father was in the army.
I was raised in a town called Soltau, it is near Bergen Belsen ( the concentration camp) and i was attracted to paticular areas in the town and other towns nearby and it took me a long time to realise what was going on. To cut a long story short everyone i knew was a neo nazi or had some connection to the war. It hurt my head and body not to mention my spirit whenever i was around these people. I could never go to Belsen as my body would feel numb and i could not control how I would react or speak, the best way to describe it is i actually saw myself talking to other people and acting in the ways i did.
I said a few words ( no idea what they were) and certain people i aimed these words at became at piece with them selves over guilt for what they had done in my ex boyfriends case he told me that his whole family felt like a curse had been lifted. He always called me his little witch as i was born 00.05 31.10.1973 and when ever i became this "possessed" person things would happen.
I never believed it but lately my heart and soul are feeling heavy and i can feel them crying out for help as I have not done anything magical for a while.
I feel lonely as I have been told that here in Nottingham you have to join a covern and be a pagan, I am not interested in joining a covern as I believe we all have our own believes and should not be confined to one way of life.
IF there is anyone out there who can help me be at peice please get in touch. Sorry to sound desperate it is just good to find a site where there are fellow wiccas if that is what i am.
Please do not laugh but i have been floating alot lateley so i do feel that some one is there.[sm=banghead.gif]
well this is me so i hope i have not scared anyone off
RE: Is there anyone out there
Hello Caroline,
Nice to meet you!
I am sorry that you felt so numb when walking in the former concentration camp. Those places generate evil and that evil still lurks within the fabric. It is tangible to all, not just sensitives.
I can understand you not wanting to get involved with groups. Ego shouldn't play any part in Wicca, but often it does. When it does, it sets peoples' backs up and creates 'cliques' when there should not be any sense of 'self'. This is why I chose to be a hedge witch and work alone. It can be done, it just needs a bit more discipline, since working with others can create discipline whereas working alone isn't conducive to it.
Please let me know what experience you already have of working in the 'craft.
RE: Is there anyone out there
Hi Patsy
I am casting my first spell tonight, well first with a friend that is, i am a bit nervous incase she thinks i am doing it wrong
not only that i normally do it quietly, as in say it in my mind not outloud, so it is going to be a bit funny for me
I will let you know how it goes
RE: Is there anyone out there
Hello Caroline,
Good luck with the spell. Working it in one's own mind is excellent, it is not wrong. As long as the intention is good and not to harm anyone, then that is alright.
Yes, you must be careful when casting spells, Caroline. Be sure about what you are asking the gods and goddesses to do for you. Cast your circle in a warm, ventilated room and switch on your telephone to 'answerphone' mode (if you can, otherwise pull out the plug for the duration.) The most important thing about spell-casting is to relax, enjoy the work and do whatever is needed to help the spell work.
What I never do, is cast love spells for others. That is interferring in other peoples' destinies, and it causes grief and upset when the spell either doesn't work, or works in an unexpected way (as I know to my cost - that's why I no longer cast them.) Casting healing spells must be done with caution as well - if you cast healing spells and it isn't the will of the soul who's being enchanted, then lots of bother can follow from that. Make sure that any healing spells are done with the knowledge that the sick person concerned would appreciate spiritual healing. A good way of getting around this rule would be to reflect on how the sick person's illness affects you and cast your healing spell for yourself if the sick person is disagreeable to spiritual healing.
Good luck tonight Caroline, and do let me know if you feel comfortable with the procedure. I don't need to know for what reason you are casting spells, because telling others about them can make them lose their potency.
RE: Is there anyone out there
Hello Caroline
Just wanted to welcome you to HP...If you get a spare minute why not pop into the New Members section and introduce yourself...there's always a warm reception there[sm=grouphug.gif]
stormdeva x