i am interested in using wicca but i am afraid if i do something wrong i will become cursed or something. and i was wondering, you know the star in the circle that is assosiated with witchcraft, is it good or evil. thanks.
RE: is it safe
Hi Pixi & welcome to HP
I recommend that you find some good books & read up on either Wicca or witchcraft (I do beleive that they are different)
You don't (well unless a persons very stupid[&:]) get behind the wheel of a car & start to drive it without first of all learning how to..the same can be said for many things;)
There's lots of books & good websites about & I'm sure someone will be along with some recommendations
RE: is it safe
Wicca learnt properly with the correct intention is totally safe 😉
RE: is it safe
i am interested in using wicca but i am afraid if i do something wrong i will become cursed or something. and i was wondering, you know the star in the circle that is assosiated with witchcraft, is it good or evil. thanks.
Hi Pixi,
As long as you know what your doing, & protect yourself sufficiently if necessary then it's fine. Wicca is a religion though, & not all Wiccans use Witchcraft. (& using Witchraft doesn't make you Wiccan.)
Here are some links forWiccan/Witchcraftwebsites:
[link= http://www.witchvox.com/ ]http://www.witchvox.com/[/link]
[link= http://www.wicca.com/celtic/wicca/wicca0.htm ]http://www.wicca.com/celtic/wicca/wicca0.htm[/link]
[link= http://www.wiccaforbeginners.com/ ]http://www.wiccaforbeginners.com/[/link]
[link= http://www.mysticfamiliar.com/ ]http://www.mysticfamiliar.com/[/link]
As for the star & circle, a pentacle, (without the circle around it, it's just called a pentagram) with the point at the top, it's a "good" symbol & yes it is associated with Witchcraft. If the point is at the bottom of the star, then that is associated with Satanism & the "left hand" path.
Hope that helps 🙂
RE: is it safe
The only thing asked of you in Wicca is that you keep the Sabbats inthe bestway you can. It's not dangerous unless you try and doignorant things with it. In actual fact you'll be more protected than you ever were before.
A nice beginning is tojust have a little altar at home while you're starting out and learning more.