First Festival of Spring
Imbolc is one of the four fire festvals or Sabbats of the Wiccan religion.Celebrated on 1 february.Imbolc is the feast of the waxing light, and pays homage to the Goddess Brighid.
Brighid was originally a fire and sun Goddessand consideredthe embodiment of poetry,Inspiration and divination . It was her association with fire that linked her to the hearth and home .
It was common custom to pray and give offerings at her sacred Wells. This practise is still maintained in some parts of the UK.
Imbolc means In the Belly, And signifies the quickening and stirring of new life. It was the first flowing of Ewes milk as they give birth to lambs. The snow and ice begin to melt . As all of nature the time to set goals for the new year.
Blessed Be.