I have started my wiccan/withcraft journey about 8 months ago because It was what my heart and soul had been urging me to do for over 8 years and so far I have read as many books and forums as I can put my hands on and done some simple meditation and visualization practice. I also have made a very intimate contact with nature and all energy around me and that alone has changed me a lot and reasured me Im on the right path. But now I feel the need to have peronal contact with someone wiser and more experienced. someone like a mentor that can pass me knowledge and guide me through the most "complicated" occult/deep powers of my being. I feel like a child a bit lost, full of questions and so eager to learn all I can (as you prob have felt too in the beggining). Are there any suggestions from you more experienced folks who have already been in this position? are the degree courses (for example) only offered by covens when you join them?
thank you so much and brightest blessings to all! 😀
Merry Meet,
Your spiritual path is a very personal one. I base my path on what feels right to me, harming none and for the good of all.
I started out about 10 years ago and I still feel very much like a child exploring and discovering. I don't want to lose this sense of wonderment about the world, though I do sometimes feel a little lost also.
You sound like you are making good progress on your path, through mediations etc. If you feel that you would like one to one guidance, maybe send a request to the lord and lady to assist you in finding some like minded people to share your experiences and gain insight from their experiences. Any requests that I have, I do by writing them onto a small piece of paper and burning it whilst thinking about the outcome, the basis being that my request is turned to smoke which is carried on the air to seek out what I need (just a suggestion), it seems to work for me, you do what feels right for you.
Brightest blessings
Are you wanting to follow Wicca or Witchcraft? there are usually groups if wicca covens dotted about the country maybe check out there is lots of info on this site.
thank you so much for your suggestions! will definitelly check it out!