I need more faith
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I need more faith

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Hi all

I have not posted on HP for a LONG time!

I feel I have been so busy over the past year trying to get somewhere with my creative writing, planning a wedding and moving house that I don't know where the time has gone!! Scary stuff.

Despite everything happening in my life in a positive way I do feel there is one huge gap and that is when I realise all those other things have taken over and the thing that is missing is my faith.

Why is it that whenever we get particularly busy the thing to suffer or be neglected is always spirituality? It seems to happen this way on a regular basis.

So I just wanted to post to say I am back and will be checking in regularly again, I am still Wiccan and will be making efforts to be more dedicated to my faith and I am still looking for moots / covens in Cumbria.

Some of you will remember or notice previous posts where I was trying to set up a coven / moot in my area but I don't feel I have the time/expertise to do this. I would be more than happy to assist in setting one up if there are still none in the area but sadly I do not feel I can lead it.

Looking back on my old posts it is embarrassing. I have tried to put so much into setting up a website, setting up a coven and it has all fell apart.

I am going to try to pick up the website but I'm going to seriously have to think about my time management 😮

I will let you know once the website is running properly.

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Posts: 145
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Joined: 21 years ago

Be kind to yourself little Em, life has taken you on another exciting path for a while.. most of us at some point feel like we have lost our center, or grounding, our truth or faith, but its always there just sometimes we cannot see it. I am sending you a hug :hug: to say welcome back to yourself
