Hi again,
Does anyone know how to strongly visualise??? If yes. Please show me the way.
RE: How to visualise???
I found this verys simple visualisation exersises on the net. These are a great way to start off exersising visualisation imo...
Hope you find them helpefull...
One thing I would stress thoug, (they don't mention it on this website) make sure you are in a comfortable position and place. Make sure you are warm.
Start with the 'apple Visualisation' and remember visualisation has got to do with exersising your immagination...
RE: How to visualise???
Hi Jade
If you pop into the Meditation forum you will find all sorts of helpful bit 'n' pieces in there...enjoy:)
Many blessings
stormdeva x
RE: How to visualise???
Thanks guys,
Love and light.
RE: How to visualise???
Hi Jade,
Many people have problems with visualisation. Since most instructions start off with something like "in your mind's eye, imagine an apple...", the beginner is led to believe there is something wrong with them if they cannot get a clear mental picture in their head.
Not true![sm=hug.gif]
Common comments are "all I see is a grey mist", "I can't see anything at all", "I can see something but it's too blurred/out of focus to see any detail" and "only in shades of grey"....
There's a couple of points here; first, If you expect a sharp, panchromatic movie-like image in full Dolby surround-sound at your first attempt, you're setting yourself up for failure. Let go of your expectations and accept what you get... persistance (some would say stubborness) is a neccessity in most magical practices!
Secondly, some people are not natural image visualisers. Visualisation is a tool used to evoke feelings as an aid to mental work. For some, their forté is working with the raw emotions/feelings directly; this may well, in fact, be more powerful than induced emotion, though perhaps more difficult to control. The "feeling" of an apple may come before the image ever does.
Finally, some people declare that they are unable to visualise at all. To those, I would say they are mistaken. If you have EVER had a dream, be it scary, sensual or mundane, you have visualised. If you can't "get a picture" of someone's face, but recognise them the instant you see them, you have involuntarily compared them to an internal "picture" in order to recognise them; practice will bring your image-ing talents from the involuntary to the voluntary. Practice, practice, and more practice. Some days you'll do it, some days you won't - it's the ebb and flow of the tide.
Don't be discouraged, and don't give up; work at your own unique pace and don't let ANYONE (even you!) tell you you "can't".
Oh. Did I mention Practice? 😀
RE: How to visualise???
Hi chris,
Hey i really like it when you remind me of the word practice. As i know practice makes perfect one day. I will try slowly. Thanks for your kind advice - wise.
Thanks again