How many Wiccans are there on this wonderful forum?
I was just curious to know how many people follow a wiccan/pagan pathway these days. I have met lots of people recently who are wiccan and it just surprises me how many more people are actually very open about it too!
I myself am very open about it and I think that it is becoming more and more accepted as an alternative religion. These days I think people are looking for 'something else' and to be honest even though I hate saying it I also believe that the media have helped with films like Harry Potter and the Charmed series making people intrigued and wanting to learn more.
Of course there are still some people out there who see it as 'black magic' or 'dark arts' but on the whole people are more aware of it. I find that people who come into the shop want to know more and ask lots of questions as they are genuinely interested.
What does anybody else think about this? I would love to hear other peoples views or experiences.
Brightest blessings
Hiya all......must admit, hedgewitch seems to be the way I,m heading. I am much closer to the ancestors than I ever imagined I would be,and all manner of opportunities keep cropping up.
I,m not sure about journeying or soul retrieval but I,ve never tried , so I wouldn't MoonTara mentioned, it would be great to find out a little more.
I am happy to answer any questions as best I can and if I can't I can help find the answers.
Hi Mystical Witch,
thats exactly the stories I love to read......just anything you feel like sharing whether its about your own path through the years or a ritual or experience you feel like sharing.......
I dont think i really need to be in a coven......I have spent years finding my own way with nature and think it woudl seem slightly as if i were being dictated too and certainly woudl never feel the need to be the dictator!!
Others with more experince or even less experience, everyones views are just so interesting when it is a subject that you are so drawn to.....
I watched a tv prog this week, completely by accident......or rather someone wanted me to watch it was called Unique Families...The Witches next door!! A normal family following a wiccan pathway.......the mum was a bit extreme.....but I could tell her heart was in right place......but if i had watched it with anyone else I am sure they would be calling them weirdos etc.....but I connected with most of how they live......they had set up a "church of Wicca" and had a small following in their town......I actually would like something like that where like minded families got together......but not a closed coven...............
Moontara x
Oh i would have loved to have seen that programme - what side was it on - maybe I can look out for repeats x
i'm a solitaire witch too 😮
Welcome Little bear, nice to see any "hedgie" from Ireland!!
That tv prog was on one of the sat channels......I think Reality tv but not 100% sure, it was called Unique i said was so weird, i went to bed to watch tv and we can only change sat channel downstairs, so had a look what was on and found a prog I thought would watch......completely different to watch actually came on, so would of missed it.....
I trained with a Wiccan coven some 21 years ago now (damn I feel old) but after my 1st degree initiation I decided that Wicca wasn't for me. I then switched to more of a Traditional Witchcraft coven that I have remained a member of ever since although I have practiced / been trained in Chaos Magic, Ceremonial Magick, Enochian Magick, Hoodoo and Vodou since then as well.
1. How many Wiccans are there on this wonderful forum?
2. I was just curious to know how many people follow a wiccan/pagan pathway these days. .
Brightest blessings
Greetings moongoddess,
Needless to say, I find this thread fascinating!
The reason I have not participated so far should be obvious, albeit not so to your good self and your delightful fellow-wiccans!
The Vulcan philosophy aims for absolute extinction of all emotions and the abundance of such irresistible personal charm on this thread distracts from that aim.
Therefore, I shall limit my participation to this one post, for the time being.
1. May I respectfully suggest that you add one more to your list, viz. yours truly?
2. I would suggest [url]that the number exceeds 837,000,000 although I accept that the overwhelming majority do not know it![/url]
I myself was blissfully unaware of paganism until I encountered it in several on-line forums!
And then I was surprised and delighted to find that [url]my core beliefs coincide with those of Wiccans in so many critical respects.[/url]
Of course, I had always known of the critical importance Hindus place on the Earth itself, and then its river systems, its Mountain systems, and its diverse flora and fauna; in brief, the entire eco-system.
What I did not know was that there were Wiccans who shared that belief!
I might have known....
Live long and prosper....
Someone mentioned a TV programme about a Wiccan family.
Since the Enterprise monitors all frequencies across the habited planets, its data banks do have some information I would like to share:
[DLMURL=""]You might find this page useful.[/DLMURL] as it features this Wiccan:
an episode of a new series on The Learning Channel called ‘‘My Unique Family.’’
More than 200 hours of footage was compressed into the one-hour program scheduled to air at 10 p.m. Monday, Feb. 19.
I watched a tv prog this week, completely by accident......or rather someone wanted me to watch it was called Unique Families...The Witches next door!! A normal family following a wiccan pathway.......the mum was a bit extreme.....but I could tell her heart was in right place......but if i had watched it with anyone else I am sure they would be calling them weirdos etc.....but I connected with most of how they live......they had set up a "church of Wicca" and had a small following in their town......I actually would like something like that where like minded families got together......but not a closed coven...............
Moontara x
This reminded me of a family that used to come into the restaurant where I worked. The children were dressed like any kids but the parents always wore capes and jewelry relating to witchcraft. Some of the staff were a bit put off by them but they were the nicest people you could ever hope to meet and I was always pleased to wait on them. I remember thinking though that it must have taken nerve to walk around dressed like that on a daily basis (in truth I was a bit envious!). I'm not a Wiccan but I think it's a good thing that people are working to dispense with wrong ideas about the religion.
Im a solitary pagan 🙂 I have taken some things from wicca, like I follow the harm none rule 🙂 and like others I prefer being solitary and working alone, Because by working alone I can do things my own way 🙂
Greetings moongoddess,
Needless to say, I find this thread fascinating!
The reason I have not participated so far should be obvious, albeit not so to your good self and your delightful fellow-wiccans!
The Vulcan philosophy aims for absolute extinction of all emotions and the abundance of such irresistible personal charm on this thread distracts from that aim.
Therefore, I shall limit my participation to this one post, for the time being.
1. May I respectfully suggest that you add one more to your list, viz. yours truly?
2. I would suggest [url]that the number exceeds 837,000,000 although I accept that the overwhelming majority do not know it![/url]
I myself was blissfully unaware of paganism until I encountered it in several on-line forums!
And then I was surprised and delighted to find that [url]my core beliefs coincide with those of Wiccans in so many critical respects.[/url]
Of course, I had always known of the critical importance Hindus place on the Earth itself, and then its river systems, its Mountain systems, and its diverse flora and fauna; in brief, the entire eco-system.
What I did not know was that there were Wiccans who shared that belief!
I might have known....
Live long and prosper....
Someone mentioned a TV programme about a Wiccan family.
Since the Enterprise monitors all frequencies across the habited planets, its data banks do have some information I would like to share:
[DLMURL=""]You might find this page useful.[/DLMURL] as it features this Wiccan:
an episode of a new series on The Learning Channel called ‘‘My Unique Family.’’
...More than 200 hours of footage was compressed into the one-hour program scheduled to air at 10 p.m. Monday, Feb. 19.
Greetings right back to you dear Prashna!
And what can I say...? Just thank you for another wonderful and interesting posting. Thanks for joining this thread, it is fascinating to hear that you share similar beliefs and I look forward to reading more from you if you feel able to share a little.
It is also good to hear that the Enterprise has the ability to monitor all frequencies so you are able to find such interesting information as above. I am off to find some info on the Wiccan family above.
Im a solitary pagan 🙂 I have taken some things from wicca, like I follow the harm none rule 🙂 and like others I prefer being solitary and working alone, Because by working alone I can do things my own way 🙂
Hello The Magician 🙂 I am also solitary and I believe this will always be so, for the very same reason as yourself. It also comes down to time with me! But it is lovely to be able to share experiences and ideas with likeminded folk, I find that quite valuable.
Welcome to the thread!
I'm happy to announce that I am a Wiccan and consider myself a Witch. I too take a little bit from here and there from other parts of the pagan following, but thats the beauty of the pagan religion, its very much open to your own interpretation. I didn't realise that I was a witch until my late teens. When I heard about Wicca and started investigating, it just clicked and my life has gone from strength to strength.
I don't tend to advertise my faith, but if someone asked me I wouldn't deny who I am either. It was quite funny the other day as work colleague described me as quite "Witchy" which made me giggle. I asked them to go into more detail and they said "well earthy..." what a compliment! 🙂
Tat Tvam Asi
Greetings right back to you dear Prashna!
Thanks for joining this thread, it is fascinating to hear that you share similar beliefs and I look forward to reading more from you if you feel able to share a little.
Hi MoonGoddess,
Share? Share?
I am sure you know the significance of your own signature, which I shall take the liberty of reproducing:
We are not human beings on a spiritual journey.
We are spiritual beings on a human journey
And now may I cite the central message of the Upanishads, with the sandhi broken down to help you:
[url]Tat Tvam Asi.[/url]
We ARE spiritual beings on a human journey.
How beautifully put, MoonGoddess!
I might have known.....
Hello all!
Hi one and all, one more to add to your list!
It is really exciting to see so many open honest people!
blessed be,
Hello all,
Just signed up today. Yes, I am proud to announce I am Wiccan. I live in Kent.
When I returned to work, after illness, I decided to be open about my faith. It is not stamped on my forehead, but I openly, and proudly, wear my third degree pendant.
magickcrow 😉
I'm not Wiccan. I'm a solitary traditional witch.
Hi all, For as long as I can remember I have been spiritual minded and fare most, I have felt close to nature, some times I have felt more close to home in the woods than I have at home. When I go into the woods and find a quiet spot by my self and just listen to the surrounding sounds its like every thing in its own way talks and sings harmony, peace, love, joy, giving warm comforting thought/feelings, from the birds in the trees, the creaking of the trees as they sway with the wind, the wind/breeze, rodents scattering across the ground, streams/rivers etc. I cant help but feel this is how nature talks/sing to us all, and all you have to do is just listen. it is like natures way of respecting us as we should respect it and with each season being different it is a celebration in its self. (no I'm not a hippy nor am I on drugs!).
I consider my self wicca though I am not part of a coven, but as you can see how I celebrate nature. I have 3 gods that I call upon at times, the moon goddess, the sun, and the earth. I know that their are some people wouldn't call me wiccan because I'm am not part of a coven but as far as I am concerned I am, it is a way of life and I am still learning all the time. I hope all that makes sense.
Hello,i also am a solitary Witch..:)