How many Wiccans ar...
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How many Wiccans are on here?

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Moon Raven
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How many Wiccans are there on this wonderful forum?

I was just curious to know how many people follow a wiccan/pagan pathway these days. I have met lots of people recently who are wiccan and it just surprises me how many more people are actually very open about it too!

I myself am very open about it and I think that it is becoming more and more accepted as an alternative religion. These days I think people are looking for 'something else' and to be honest even though I hate saying it I also believe that the media have helped with films like Harry Potter and the Charmed series making people intrigued and wanting to learn more.

Of course there are still some people out there who see it as 'black magic' or 'dark arts' but on the whole people are more aware of it. I find that people who come into the shop want to know more and ask lots of questions as they are genuinely interested.

What does anybody else think about this? I would love to hear other peoples views or experiences.

Brightest blessings

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RE: How many Wiccans are on here?

I'm Pagan, but I don't really follow a Wiccan path.

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RE: How many Wiccans are on here?

Hi Moongoddess

I'd go along with Black Raven in saying I consider myself pagan but don't followspecific path or belong to a group. I wouldn't say I find people terribly enlightened and my family have always treated it as a phase I am going through. The phase has now lasted 30 years or so, so I they are hoping I grow out of it soon......

I went onto your website - which looks lovely by the way - and saw you were from Ipplepen! This brought back lovely memories from when I was a girl and we used to go on family holidays to a farm in Littlehempston which is just down the road from you I think. There was a shop in Ipplepen which I loved as it had all kinds of knick knacks in it and my parents couldn't keep me out of it! That was about 35 years ago mind you, so I am sure everything has changed massively.

Lucky you to live in such a lovely part of the UK.


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RE: How many Wiccans are on here?

Hiya Moongoddess
I walk a Pagan path and celebrate the Sabbats with a group but the Esbats I celebrate alone. Couldn't commit myself to a Moon-group because of the time involved when you join such a group. I feel they need total commitment, and that , I wasn't able to give ...... I still like working alone though.

Oakapple xx

Moon Raven
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RE: How many Wiccans are on here?

Hi BlackRaven, Celtia & oakapple [sm=wave.gif] Thanks for responding to my question!

[color="#660099"]Celtia [color="#000000"]I read your response with interest and understand that you do not follow a specific path but you have pagan beliefs. It is funny how some people treat it as a phase! But I am glad that you proved them wrong by still believing some 30 years later! Good on you!! I am pleased that you liked my site and 'yes' I have a little outlet in Ipplepen which is my weekend haven. I work in a 'normal' 9-5 all week! This part of the country is certainly very beautiful and I love it. We have the best of both worlds as I live in Paignton so I am beside the sea and of course we have Dartmoor on the doorstep which is absolutely stunning! It is nice that you have fond childhood memories from this area. I have too - I originally lived in Somerset so I just hopped over the border about 4years ago!
I would love to hear more from you sometime! Blessings xx

[color="#009900"]oakapple [color="#000000"]Thank you for your response. It must be nice to celebrate the Sabbats with a group of likeminded people. I have met lots of people in my area recently and maybe one day we can get together as a group. But at the moment we are all solitary although we share our ideas and experiences, however we are still very much learning! This may be wrong to say but I have always felt a little wary of joining a group so I feel that I am better off being solitary therefore having no commitment just as you said. I look forward to hearing more from you! Blessings xx

[color="#3300cc"]BlackRaven [color="#000000"]Thank you for your response it is certainly interesting to hear from other members on this subject. I look forward to seeing you around the forums! Blessings xx

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I like the smell, flavour & taste of Wicca. A pinch of anything that roots itself in truth, unconditional love & the growth of the heart/spirit is a good thing.

'The seeker must experience as many paths as possible-good & bad. Then & only then can he/she drop all knowledge that they have obtained to be an enlightened one...'

Moon Raven
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Hi sortyourchiout 🙂 It is nice to have another response on this far too quiet forum! Look forward to hearing more from you.

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Hi MoonGoddess, 🙂

I'm Pagan, a Witch but I'm not Wiccan. I do take some things from Wicca, but that is also true of many other paths.


Moon Raven
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Hi Shining Star 🙂

Thanks for your reply, you are so right when you say that you take some things from wicca and other paths too. That is true of a lot of people including myself, I also take little bits from different pathways.

That is the beauty of walking your own pathway you can choose what suits you best rather than be governed by a group for example.

Nice to meet you by the way!:) Look forward to hearing more from you.

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I'm a Pagan, I cast the odd spell, I watch the moon and very much into Yoga. A pinch of this and a dash of that.
A solo practitoner, I can make my own rules when it comes to worship.
I explored Buddhism for a few years then came back to my Pagan roots.
My friends are from many faiths! And some of no faith at all!
There are many pagan books on my book shelf and there are Wiccan ones too.
I learn something from every path I have crossed (and currently sing with a Christian Gospel choir)!


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Thats a wonderful way to live your life Purplewolf. An inspiration!!

I was thinking the other day since i became more drawn to Wicca, i have had two "unusual" preaching experinces.....

One, i was doing a street collection for an animal rescue I am involved it and it was my first one, and i was with another man who decided to use this time when we were both tied together to preach his beliefs on being a born again christian and bible study etc, i was very interested in his beliefs (as I am with many different beliefs) and listened to all he had to say and mentioned vaguely that my beliefs would be more spiritual nature related, oh my......did he let loose, even saying that my little boy would suffer because of my beliefs.......

Then the other day a lovely lady came over to help me and my little boy as we were walking home and he was having a tantrum, i live in Ireland but am english and she was also english, so we chatted about england etc, and she asked lots of questions about my little boy and then just as I was saying goodbye, she handed me a leaflet on parenting skills from the jehovah witness religion.......asked where i lived and could she pop round one day for a chat?

Sometimes i wonder am i being tested? I am very open minded and believe everyone is entitled to their beliefs........but should they push their beliefs on others? And why do i feel as if i have to be somewhat careful who i mention my beliefs to?

Interested to read any comments......


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Hi Moonflower,

We, as a family, have had a Jehovah witness coming around to our home for at least 15 years, possibly 20! She has never tried to push her belief onto us and indeed we have had some really pleasurable discussions, some based on religion, some based on family, and others just general chit chat.

She has never asked about our religious beliefs, but you have to remember that it is part of their faith to preach.. to spread their word! Just like every religion has different rituals, they have theirs....preaching. Even if we disagree over something we merely agree to differ, she is a good friend, saw our kids through the chicken pox...even went to fetch some calomine at the time!

Unless you get to know them, you never really get to understand them as people, otherwise it is just first impressions. We have had loads of friends come and go, but she is always there...she is getting on now, already lost her husband... and we would greatly miss her if anything should happen to her.

I would say, use your intuition, don't let stigma get in the way, it is not necessary to tell them of your beliefs, it is personal to you. We go to loads of events (Crabapple and myself) and no one even knows what path we follow, we are just treated as an equal (generally).


Oakapple xx

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A few years ago, I was working with Christan woman when she starting talking about the horrid little children who come knocking on the door at Halloween. How it shoudln't be allowed and the Americans had a lot to answer for...

I soon expalined to her the meaning of this festival, what it meant to be Pagan, that we are not 'devil worships', and that it was a time to remember the departed and the not yet born. ..that we were people of faith and that we hold it deep and strong.

When we need to... we can spread the word.. to let others understand our beliefs and enlighten them. They tend to enquire with us. It is good to share!


Moon Raven
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Very interesting points purplewolf, moonflower and oakapple 🙂 I see more and more people these days who seem to have a 'multi' faith belief system. I know a lady who is catholic who came to me at the weekend saying she would like to explore the buddhism faith and another who claims to be a christian buddhist.
I also know another lady who is a catholic who also attends a spiritualist church and visits mediums regularly. She however feels sometimes that she could be betraying her catholic faith, but as I said she has freedom of choice and her religion should not restrict her from her own free will.

It is great that people have freedom of choice and feel comfortable choosing what they wish to believe in. Never should someone be made to feel that they are betraying their god/gods by exploring different faiths. Isn't that what life is all about - learning? As long as we follow the faiths with the best intentions and follow it with love in our hearts isn't it all that matters?

Interesting subject. :rolleyes: xx

Wind wisperer
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Hi Moongoddess

I'd go along with Black Raven in saying I consider myself pagan but don't followspecific path or belong to a group.


I keep trying to find books/articles on following the pagan path etc but they all include wiccan ways too! Are there any items people could recommend?

Sorry to pinch your thread MoonGoddess. :009:

Amelia Jane
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You may find this site of interest but it is mainly for wicca but there is a list of book recommendations that may interest you


Wind wisperer
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Thanks Amelia Jane. 🙂

Moon Raven
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Don't worry about pinching the thread Wind wisperer 🙂 Just glad you got the answer you were needing. Welcome to the thread! 🙂 xx

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How many Wiccans are on here?

Hello Everyone,

What an interesting thread! I don't really consider myself anything but Spirit in earthly flesh (and a bit too much of it at the mo' :p).

When I was in the 7th grade about 300 years ago in America (I now live in Wales), a teacher asked us all what religion we were. At the time I was fascinated with words so was quite happy to say I was Episcopalian, as not many had heard of them. One kid got up and said he was a witch. From that moment began a fascination that was never quite de-railed by Pentacostalism or Japanese Buddhism. I was a bit misguided at first with a dabble in Black Magic but I was 12 and I blame hormones! 😮 (The spell worked, too, but it scared me so I have stuck to White Magic ever since.)

I came back to Wicca/Paganism because of the gentleness, tolerance, and love of nature that I found in the beliefs. No hard-and-fast rules or 'you must... (fill in the blanks)'. No 'we are the chosen ones'.

I still have a friend who is a Buddhist, others who are Pagan Christians... and a young man, of Welsh farming stock, who is an alternative healer. He says Chapel is more for gathering and sharing than it is the strict Christian church of old. I like the eclecticism and the love between a few of us who believe differently---the real problems only come up between those who support Liverpool FC and those who support Man U!!! 😉

A few years ago there was a letter in the local paper denigrating Pagans as Satanists (even Satanists aren't Satanists, I have met a few & they were fantastic, intelligent, caring individuals). People wrote back and set this person who didn't know what he was talking about straight; and the letters were published. In Hastings on May Day the Morris Dancers perform in the churches as a nod to the fact that Pagan festivals were nicked by the incoming Christians... a lovely gesture, I think.

Here's to the Age of Aquarius and more understanding and tolerance and love between people. Thank you for this thread, too, and a chance to sort of realise, in writing, what I believe. It comes up more and more as I get older and think about life and, often, death more.... as for that, someone who believes in reincarnation recently told me they don't believe we are born here to learn, as much as that sometimes, as spirit, we desire to move among humankind.

Bright Blessings, love, & all the best for a fantastic 2008,
HC xxx

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Hello Hopecat and welcome to HP :wave:

Please forgive me for digressing for a moment from your very interesting post, but your signature reminded me of a joke I heard told on TV the other night ... and now I've looked in your profile, even more so! 😉

A woman looked over her fence into the garden next door and saw the little girl who lived there digging a hole in the ground. She asked the little girl what the hole was for. 'I'm burying my goldfish' came the reply. 'But why dig such a large hole for a goldfish?' the woman asked. 'Because the goldfish is inside your cat' 😀


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Hello back, Laura, and Thank you for the welcome & a much needed *LOL*... Bright blessings to you & all who visit this site, in spite of a hard year there is so much to be thankful for!!

Take care,
HC xxx

Moon Raven
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Hello Hopecat :)I have just answered one of your messages on the other thread! So hello again 🙂

What an absolutely fascinating path you have travelled - I would love to hear more when you have the time and of course if you are willing to share your experiences.

I love your attitude towards yourself now to quote.....I don't really consider myself anything but Spirit in earthly flesh. What a wonderful way of looking at life. It truly is fascinating to find out how people perceive themselves in a spiritual sense.

I run courses in spiritual awareness and it is lovely to hear the many different reasons as to why people come on the courses and how they see themseves in the spiritual way.It is also nice to see how peoples attitudes and perceptions change as the courses progress and they themselves progress spiritually.

Anyhow I must go now but would love to hear more from you and look forward to many more chats.

Happy New Year to you and may your new year be filled with peace and love.

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Im a hedgewitch

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Hi Mysticalwitch,

thats wonderful being a hedgewitch...I think that is what i will be for a good while I enjoy working alone......

Any tips for a fledgling hedgewitch??


Moontara xx

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Hi Mysticalwitch,

thats wonderful being a hedgewitch...I think that is what i will be for a good while I enjoy working alone......

Any tips for a fledgling hedgewitch??


Moontara xx

What sort of tips are you after?

Moon Raven
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Hello mysticalwitch 🙂 welcome to the thread! Would love to hear more myself if you are willing to share any tips.

Look forward to hearing more from you!

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I'm a Hedgie too!!

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Hi Ged......hedgie sounds cool!!

As for tips Mysticalwitch, not really sure......anything you do that you feel able to share or feel would enlighten any of us??? I post occasionally when I feel like sharing something and I often read others posts and think how wonderful........

many of us have no choice but to be hedgies but some would rather just be on their own......I think I would prefer a small amount of both......

I took my 2 yr old for a walk around dusk tonight and he kept looking up at the moon and saying "there she is, the moon" why does he call her "her" at such a young age and every tree had to be touched gently......I havent shown him to do this he just does it.....

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Hmmmmm trying to introduce myself as a hedgewitch - thats a hard one. My uncle was a hedgewitch and I was aware from a very young age of what he was and what he did, I was around him a lot up to the age of 12 I'd say. My parents let me be around him and would often sit with him too. I didn't follow any path from their though, I messed around as I got old with different paths, following the Krishna way for a while but always came back to the wiccan path - it seemed to call and protect me. Coven wise I have never felt I needed to join as my own journey is a very private one which I do not want dictated to me in anyway and its a path I find you are constantly learning on and taking different routes. The path I am on at the moment is one of self protection and one I have not found the total answer to yet. I guess its easier if you wnt to ask me questions as I could waffle on for ages about my journey up to now! Sorry if that doesn't make sense or isn't what you wanted.

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Moon Tara,
Your boy sounds like he's tuned in!!! Children are great at such a young age, no inhibitions, no egotism...they are so inocent (sp), and express themselves as they see fit, not what others expect.
Enjoy it, before he grows up to much!

Mystical witch,
Im with you, no coven for me thanks, Im far too pre-occupied with other things, and I certainly dont like being dictated too!! (...and Ive a deep seated feeling that Covens were made by chaps, so they could infiltrate Womens Mysteries, and 'get to the top' by hierarchy!!)

However, I do enjoy being with others of the same persuasion, learning and sharing experiences.....

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