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Horrible person at work

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Hello everyone...

I'm having some problems at work witha certain person and don't know what to do. She's being really horrible to me and I had it out with her today to see if I could get it all out in the open and "make friends"if you like. Well she turned it right back in my face and told me I had an attitude problem and didn't contribute to the workings of the team. I was really shocked as nobody has ever said anything to me like that before and I always go out of my way to help others.

The thinkg is, I am very tempted to be nasty towards her and do a spell (which is very unlike me) but I know that it is better to be nice as it will come back on her. What do I do? The atmosphere in the office is so thick you could cut it with a knife.

Want to sort this out fast as it is causing me to have panic attacks and not wanting to be at work. I really like my job.

Many thanks peeps [sm=hug.gif]

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RE: Horrible person at work

By the way... she did say sorry for talking to me like a piece of poo but you should have heard the way she said it!!! I couldn't be more sarcastic if I tried 🙁 I could have hit her!

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RE: Horrible person at work

sounds like she was told to say it by someone else.

Amelia Jane
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RE: Horrible person at work

Hi Mir
sorry to hear thay you're having a bad time at work...she sounds like a right bitch[:'(]

Ok...this is what I'd do (a non wiccan), I would picture myself being filled through the top of my headby a bright /goldy light to cleanse her negitivity off me..& also send a bit in her direction too...after I feel cleansed I would picture a mirror between me & her so that any negitive thoughts would be reflected from me...& go right back to her. I hear hemitite crystal is good to use for reflecting back negativity so long as you've cleansed all the negativity away from you first!!

The other thing you could do is send her healing & ask that her Angels guide her to realise how nasty she can be.

Good luck

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RE: Horrible person at work

Wow thanks guys.

Oh believe me she said it off her own back! We were in a meeting and it was after I told her how she had spoken to me the day before. She meant it alright.

I will do the mirror thing but I'm finding it difficult to think nice thoughts about her so sending her energy will be hassle!

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RE: Horrible person at work

Hello Mir

I know that when we experience conflict in the workplace, or indeed anywhere, it can leave us feeling angry, frustrated, and more often than not, very demotivated and as a result we tend to withdraw from situations that we used to enjoy.

Well, there are some excellent techniques from the field of NLP that will give you back the power and allow you to let go of the negative energy. But first we must accept some frames of thinking and presuppose that they are absolutely true and "Act as if" they are. When you do this,you become the creator of everything in your own universe and you willlet go ofall the limiting decisions and negativityin your life.

The first frame that I would ask you to consideris this: Perception is Projection

All that you have are your perceptions and the only way to experience the outside world is through your perceptions. Essentially, everything that we perceive in the outside world is a projection from inside of us. So, as you change your thinking you are then able to change your projections. NLP is about learning how tochange your projections.

The presuppossition that I would like you to consider is this: The meaning of your communication is the response you get

I personally find this a great way of developing my skills in communication. If I find that the response from the person with whom I am communicating is not good, I accept the responsibility for that communication and change my approach in order to get a better response. Having behavioural flexibility in communications will always get you a better result.

Finally consider this: Every person is doing the best they can with their available resources.

I know that sometimes it can be testing, but when you live by these principles you will experience much less stress and anger, because you are able to let it go. Do some self-reflection and ask yourself these questions:

What happened?

What were the consequences?

What can I do next time to ensure that I get a better result?

Then let it go.

Hope this helps

Peter D

When you consider these few ideas, and take responsibility for being the creator of everything in your universe, you can create the way things happen

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RE: Horrible person at work

Hi Mir

Oh turn her into a frog and be done with it!

But seriously now... (hope that made you smile). I usually find that an attitude of polite indifference will work - tends to be things get a bit worse at first then the other person, realising they are having no effect on you, will move on and leave you alone. Can be quite tricky if they are really distressing you and you are not good at hiding your feelings but worth a try.

I also try and be cheerful and happy when in negative situations and funnily enough the bad atmosphereeventually begins to fade.

Not sure if she is someone you have to work closely with (does she feel threatened by your ability?) or do you have a supervisor/senior member that you could seek advice from? Is there someone else in the office you gel with who could perhaps act as mediator? Has anyone else suffered at her hands before? (I used to work in an office where the manager would pick on the newest person in - was sooo glad when someone started after me!)

Rather than do a spell to harm her why not do one to protect yourself, or one to improve the atmosphere at work (so everyone can benefit) - don't know much about wicca but know that you shouldn't wish harm from a karmic perspective.

Hope the situation improves for you soon - will send you lots of reiki hugs to keep you going

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RE: Horrible person at work

i don't suppose there IS anything in your attitude that needs fine-tuning? is she feeling undermined in any way? usually people attack when they feel threatened in some way, not necessarily by you. read chapter 3 of 'The Celestine Prophecy'.
if you are totally sure that this is her problem and not even partially yours - strive to be as professional as you can and not allow her to control your feelings in this way. be as polite and friendly as you would be to anyone who is not actually that important to your life. if the problem persists, speak with someone senior to you both, establish if there is a perceived problem with your attitude and, if not, ask them to address the situation discreetly. best of luck.

and remember- no-one can make you feel bad without your permission!

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RE: Horrible person at work

THanks guys... I really appreciate it.

The atmosphere has improved slightly as I have been smiling and not taking it very seriously.

I think I will send her to spirit and ask them to deal with it.

Am also going to do a spell for the office and to protect myself as I suffer from depression and it has seemed to become worse the past week.

I have read the Celestine Prophesy... LOVED it... so I think I will read it again.

THanks again everyone...
Love and light

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RE: Horrible person at work

Hello again...

She's still at it and I'm very close to boiling point with her now. She's making it personal now and has told my friend in the office that she really has a problem with me, and today she is giving me dirty looks and just being a cow.

I'm seriously thinking that I will accept what the universe will throw at me if I do a spell on her. Surely it can't be as bad as how she's making me feel at the moment. 🙁

I normally get on with the majority of people I meet. I'm down to earth, like to have a laugh, accepting... yeah I have my faults aswell but this has never happened to me before. Its like being back at school and being bullied.

My emotions are so messed up [:@][>:][&:]:([&o]

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RE: Horrible person at work


I'm sorry to hear you're having such trouble at work. I've been in a similar situation before so I sympathise.

It seems to me that to get to the bottom of this, you need someone to find out exactly what's eating your colleague since she is not likely to tell you. She could well be jealous of you or you are a threat to her in some way.

I also suggest that you keep a record of instances when she'd spoken to you in a nasty way because this issue may escalate to the personnel department.

Have you tried sending her an email offering to talk? Keep a copy of the mail and her response to it for above mentioned reason. Should things come to a head and a meeting with the personnel department is necessary, you will have something in writing in your defence.

Just my two cents' worth... 🙂


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RE: Horrible person at work

Hi there Mir

So sorry to hear that you are still suffering at the hands of this bully.However a bully is only a bully if allowed to bully. What I mean by that is that a bully can actually be thriving on the reactions of their victim. Therefore if you could try to act as if you were indifferent to the unpleasantness she is churning out, she may well get tired of targetting you. It is quite likely that she is jealous of you for some reason and thereforeis trying to make you feel as uncomfortable as possible.So dotry to stay calm and try not to let your emotions show. I know youmay be burning up inside but she may be thriving on the reactions she isprovoking in you.

I think you are extremely brave for having confronted this bully to try to sort this out yourself, so well done for that. It's apity it didn't work for you. I myself was bullied at work over a year agobut I managed tosort it out with the help of my personnel dept. But I can truly sympathise with how you are feeling. These bullies must be stopped in their tracks. The whole crux of the matter is theeffect the bully is having on the 'victim' ,and itmatters not as towhether they actually intended it or not. Is there perhaps someone at your work who could perhaps act as a 'mediator' to try to sort the problem out for you?
Anyway I do hope you solve this problem before too long. If you enjoy your job, don't let this woman win. I will send you Reiki for a good outcome.

Best wishes

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RE: Horrible person at work

Hello Mir,

I am sorry to hear that you've been suffering at the hands of this woman. Like you and others, I went through a similar experience. I did nothing to cause tension between me and the other person, but she didn't take to me at all. I realised after a while that the problem lay with her, not me. She had taken it into her head that our manager was favouring me because he fancied me, which wasn't true (he did fancy me, but he didn't treat me any differently to her or anyone else.) I used to avoid speaking to her, and would do so if it was unavoidable. She would 'round' on the manager and me, and regarded us as 'the enemy.' One lady who worked with her before I arrived told me that she had disagreed with her over a work problem one day, and this Wendy didn't speak to Linda for three months. That was long before I ever joined the department.

I kept up my stance, being polite but non-committal towards her, and eventually she left. I heard later that she had several jobs since leaving here. I wonder why?

Mir, let the universe work for you. Keep going as you are, and one day this bully will walk out or get the sack. I have lost count of the times that suchpeople have given themselves enough rope, by which to 'hang' themselves.

I am thinking of you, dear Mir.


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RE: Horrible person at work

Sorry Mir, I forgot to say that I bet you that this woman's behaviour has not gone unnoticed by other members of staff. Someone will complain about her, sooner or later, and that will be the end. Something like this never takes place in isolation.


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RE: Horrible person at work

Hi Mir,

To get rid of hostility you could try this. It would be difficult to do a spell in the office and this will not attract attention:

Make a cup of peppermint tea and casually carry it (clockwise direction) around the area where this [:'(] horrible person works. Peppermint tea helps get rid of any negativity and hostility in the workplace.

Hope that this will work for you

Blessed be !!


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RE: Horrible person at work

THanksso much guys.

I will do the peppermint thing when I go back to work. My doctor has signed me off for 2 weeks due to depression. I'll try and focus on positive things while I'm away from the place. I have my cards and runes and crystals and lots of fab people around me 🙂

If anyone would like a reading of tarot, oracle cards or rune in return for the advice, I would be happy to do one for you. Just let me know.

Many thanks again


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RE: Horrible person at work

Hi there, I'm a new member to the forum but I have some advice for you that worked for me. Try the 'Freezing' spell. Write the name of the horrible person on a piece of paper in blue ink and put it at the back of your freezer. As another member said, make the peppermint tea and walk around the office with it - don't drink it - just pour it away when it's cold. This worked fantastically well for me within a very short time and against all the odds - company policy and guidelines. 😀

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RE: Horrible person at work

Hi fairydancer

To me it was so normal not to drink the tea,[:'(] because it absorbs all negativity[sm=sad2.gif], that i did not mention it!! But you are right to have mentioned it thanks. What does your freez spell do? sounds interesting but would like to know what i'm inflicting on somebody if i ever need to use it !!

Blessed be !!


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RE: Horrible person at work

Hi Tinkerbell, The freezer spell literally 'freezes' the annoying person out of your life. It doesn't cause any harm or arouse suspicion as you carry this out in your own home. I was promoted to a new job but my line manager was a complete pain. She hardly spoke to me or acknowledged that I waspart of the team. Everything she said to me was negative. As you can imagine, I was becoming disenchanted with the new job. I carried out the freezer spell and soon after I was 'headhunted' to cover for another member of staff whilst she was on honeymoon. I received lots compliments for the work I did from her bosses who are very senior members of staff. When she returned from honeymoon, she announced she was leaving the company and I was asked to cover the post again. I did such a good job that they made the post permanent. My new bosses cut the old line manager and her boss out of the loop and I now have a job I love and two bosses who I get on with brilliantly. The piece of paper is still in the freezer though - just in case.

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RE: Horrible person at work

Dear Fairydancer,

Gosh, that sounds amazing! Couple of times in my life I could have used that spell! Will write it down so I can find it again when something like that is needed. - seems rather harmless as I am very careful with the law of everything returning 3 fold!

Glad to hear you have a job you love and bosses who appreciate your capabilities!

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RE: Horrible person at work

Hi All,

Mir I wish you good luck with your work situation, and hope you can return strong and vitalised real soon! [sm=hug.gif]

Fairydancer, what a wonderful spell, I have one of these annoying collegues. He is not nasty to my face, he is always sweet as pie but a hypocrite that takes the credit for stuff I do even though there are others that know I did it. I have done nothing about it because I can do without the trouble and the back stabbing, as long as I know I did it was good enough for me. Reading this post I will certainly give the Freeze spell a try!

Thanks for the tip!


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RE: Horrible person at work

Hi fairydancer

Well i think that a lot of people could use this spell. Will try it out too!! I am glad that you enjoy your job and thanks for sharing you spell.

Blessed be !!!

