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Hi this is such a greatsite.
My name is ella I am a solitary witch and however only problem with being a solitary witch is you never get to talk to any other witches/pagans/wiccans. If anyone else has this problem and/ would like to chat feel free to pm me etc.
Thank you for reading this

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RE: Hi

laughs, where I live no one mentions the word Wiccan or pagan or witch around here it is more of a baptist communitiy on the outskirts but considered part of the city.
Nods- I understand how you feel, the site is wonderful, I haven't been fully an active Wiccan for years, but I'm growing back into it. I had to take time away to study other belief's to find if this was what I wanted so I'm still rather new but this site is an excellent site on all the topics they have.

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RE: Hi

Hey you two - glad you like it.

I am not sure why we have a forum for wicca separate from the the paganism forum to be honest. I consider myself to be a pagan,although not specifically following the wiccan path, but a lot of the posts on this wiccan forum seem to be on the same kinds of subjects - confusing.

I would love not be a solitary pagan - I don't need to be worried about letting people know around here but my friends and family just treat it as a bit of weirdness on my part and only a phase I am going through. I think I mentioned on another thread that I have actually been going through this phase for 25 years now, so I am not sure at what point a phase becomes a life path!

But this is a great place just to browse through the threads - even if you don't join in!

Love from

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RE: Hi

I know how you feel Celtia unfortunatly for friends and family this 'weird phase', has been running for sixyears properly and I was just wondering myself when did they phase things end and do you get a carridge clock when they do . 😮

Lovely to meet you both.

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RE: Hi

hi im a practiing solo wiccan too for 30 years now heared it all im not so weird i think everyone else is haha however there are some good sites for pagans and wiccans on the web to talk to but if it feels right go with it you dont need other peoples aproval to do what you want hopw this helps ps i dont shy away from telling people my religious beliefs it they dont understand or make fun its there problem not yours just use your intutition though ok

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RE: Hi

i am also a lone witch, although i have a couple of great friends i can share ideas with. i sometimes wonder whether i would benefit from joining a coven but it's a scary notion to go and find one, plus i worry about losing my own path in the process.

My family and some of my friends also think it's a phase.. it doesn't really bother me any more. I just do what i do regrdless of what any one else thinks - tis my life after all!

I am really only learning (aren't we all!) so it is wonderful to be able to read and join in conversations such as this! xxxx

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RE: Hi

ORIGINAL: serendipity

i am also a lone witch, although i have a couple of great friends i can share ideas with. i sometimes wonder whether i would benefit from joining a coven but it's a scary notion to go and find one, plus i worry about losing my own path in the process.

You are very lucky! I wish I had some friends who I could talk to about Witchcraft etc but I don't. That's why the internet is so good, for talking (& finding) others who understand more where you are coming from (oh, and don't think you're a total loon!)
I would love to be able to find a coven within which people think the same way about things as I do, but I really don't think that will happen any time soon!
Serendipity, I would worry about losing my own path in the process too - I feel that being in a coven would mean compromising &doing things in a way that I wouldn't do if Iwas doing it on my own, which I don't think is a good thing.
I haven't actually told my family about it ever... I get enough grief from them as it is so I suppose I thought it just wasn't worth the hassle, not to mention the judgemental put-downs they would hand out! My partner obviously knows but he is a Christian & thinks that what I do is evil & against Gods will etc etc so needless to say my conversations with him on it are limited.... I guess, they don't call it being a "solitary" for nothing!! lol

Love & Light,

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RE: Hi

Hey I'm lozz and I work alone too the only other friends I have that are anything like me are spiritualist. One of my friends enjoys the ideas of wicca but when i tell her about stuff like this after I've done it I don't honestly feel like im understood (of corse I don't tell her I know shes trying her best to be a good friend and thats what matters) I think its really good that you have brought up the subject I thought it was just me who always felt lonely.. does anyone else have the problem of not being able to get much energy when working alone?
blessed be lozz

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RE: Hi

I'm a 'solitary' but have quite a few online friends of a similar bent, ie trads, Celtic ,Shamans Alexandrians Garderians and Wiccans which have their roots in Gardner.

Finding a live Coven can be a problem, waiting lists and rows are the cheif, so have abondoned that idea, but am in 2 online Covens/groups. It does help when it comes to Magick that several of us can send Energy.

A phase eh now where have I heard that before...........

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RE: Hi


ive been in a ''phase'' as well for about 14yrs. I dont know anyone who is pagan apart from my aunty but she lives too far away and i am quite lost. i havent done any rituals or spells and would love guidance on how to celebrate the sabbats and to connect to mother earth properly.
im quite a shy person and so if i was to find a coven i would be quite nervous so i havent tried!


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RE: Hi

Have a look in the Pagan fora above this one, have put some good book titles in , most available from Amazon.

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RE: Hi

Hello everyone. I am very new to this site and am thankful that I ran across it. It's refreshing to find others who have the same thoughts and ideas as I do. I was reading the thread and one line caught my attention about not mentioning pagan or wicca or anything as they live in a Baptist community. LOL Where we originally live, ( I say originally because our house burned in January and we are in the process of trying to get everything rebuilt) you can throw a stone and hit about two or three different churches. So I know what you mean by that.

I have been practicing off and on since I was in my teens and each time I seem to deviate from the path it seems that something pulls me right back on to it.

Anyway, I love this site already. It is cool to be able to ask questions of like minded people and not be afraid that someone is going to look at you like you have about three heads. LOL


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RE: Hi

I'm from an all Christian family in very Catholic Smalltown, USA. I know how you feel. If you ever need someone to just say hi to, feel free to send me a post, email, IM, whatever you prefer! ^_^


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RE: Hi

Wow... this is great :)Didn't realise all you guys were wiccan/pagan. I agree that the 2 forums should be joined.

So how do I go about channeling other energy when casting a spell? I recently went round to my sisters house to cleanse it and could have done with that. Although I think it went quite well anyway. Done the salt, sage and insence thing. I was exhausted afterwards. Anyone else felt like that?

I'm lucky that my family and friends are quite open minded so I don't have that trouble. But my other half and I tend not to discuss the things I do in any depth!!!
