Hi [sm=wave.gif]
I was wondering if there was anyone out there that could write/suggest a spell for me. I need two different spells but they do relate to each other.
The first spell is that I am applying for something and I would like to bring myself luck for it and the second one is that someone has treated me very badly several months ago and I had to leave the situation. I want to cast a spell so that they realise what they have done.
I dont want to harm anyone or get my own back on anyone I just want that person to realise how badly they have upset me. Not sure how healthy the second spell is for me but it does relate to the first one.
If anyone feels that I should just leave the second spell and not do it then I will!!
I understand the three fold rule and the "harm no one" - this is def not my intention. I also understand that you cant use a spell to take over someones mind so I dont what to change the persons will who will be looking at my application I just want to bring myself some luck when I apply for a course.
Hope this makes some kind of sense!!
Thanks 😀
RE: Help with two spells
If you would like to help Susan with any spells please PM them to her and not post on the forums
Thank you
stormdeva x