Help with Spell: Im...
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Help with Spell: Important

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Hi everyone,

Could really use some help on this, I'm looking for a spell to reunite two lovers, they are both dead but one of them had their wishes disregarded on how their body should be disposed of (long story) but we now want to do what we can to ensure that they can spend enternity together... so any help on spells to help them find each other and remain together... I would be very gratefull...

Thanks in advance

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RE: Help with Spell: Important

Firstly please accept my sympathies for the loss of your 'friends'? from this life, you clearly loved them both and miss them still.

Its really the wrong time of our year to assist you anyway, Samhain, when the veil is thinnest would be more appropriate. However I feel your best option would be to approach a medium, at that time and see how things are with them, they may have been reunited.

But, for a Witch, Summerlands is a time to rest and recover from the life ended, before the next one starts. It would be unsafe to assume your lovers are together for all eternity, they may not be, their Karmas may have dictated that one or both lives are not at final rest.
And sadly we cannot cast a Spell at the request of someone for other people
