Hi All
At the moment i am going through a REALLY rough time, my life is up in the air and is going to be subjected to several massive changes none of i have any control over. It is making it hard to get anything done, i am just moving from place to place not really taking in what is going on am my emotions are all over the place.
Does anyone out there know any healing chants or prayers for me to say when i sit with my extremly ill partner and do they know of any i can use for courage to help me in the coming months. I have already posted on the healing and prayer forum, they have all been so kind to me.
Hi hunny, i don't know any healing chants as such but i do know that you are not alone in this the Angels are with you as are we all on here, try and keep as happy as you can, i know it is hard but if you can stay positive even a little it really does help, take some much needed ME time and do something you love to do for yourself, i send you lots of love and light and i am sure that whatever happens you will come through this.
Hi Shoney,.........you could try a book called; 'Celtic Devotional', by Caitlin Matthews......it's a book of daily prayer and blessings......
January, being part of Samhain....the Winter Quarter....it's also the Celtic tree month of Birch/ Beth.....new beginnings.
Good Luck
Dearest Sapphirelight
Thank your much for your kind words of encouragement, i knew that my partner and myself where being watched over, but its nice to have it confirmend, as my own instincts are a bit off at the moment. Once again THANK YOU.
Dearest Oakapple
Thank you so much for your advice, i will definatly look for that book today when i go to town before the hospital.
Blessed Be