Hi I know it's probably been asked lots of times but how do I find out what is my special healing way sort of thing.... all I can do is channel my energy into people and thats it really. Any suggestions of how to begin learning healing?
blessed be
RE: Healing
I do by visualising the illness leaving the person or animal, say they have an arthritic joint by visualising the bones ends being healthy once again and cartilege back in its proper place. If its a growth, by the swelling discharging outside the body. You would find its better if people ask for a Healing, as they should need to cut the medication they are on.
But its absolutely crucial they have seen a doctor and tried all the mundane ways first, never rely on a working in place of medical advice.
You need to be fit and well yourself and in a well balanced frame of mind because its dreadfully draining. I encourage those who ask to drink lots of water and eat healthy balanced meals for several days around a Healing. I also doa Healing with a Protective Circle around me as you are very vulnerable to hostile spirits, and also ask the Elements to protect the person you are Healing.
It takes quite a time, not accomplished in 20 mins or so, more over several days and several bursts of Energy directed from you to the person concerned.
There is also a Wellbeing that can be done, when people say have a cold or flu, I just light a candle, dressed with an Healing oil, standing near an amethyst and clear quartz and rose quartz. Just hold the candle in your power hand, imagining the person getting better , and light it, focussing your power into the flame. With all candles, never blow them out always use a snuffer, or let them go out by themselves.( And for safety stand the candle in a dish of water and use all the common sense precautions)
Probably a lot more questions you want answered , so fire away!!!
RE: Healing
Hi lozz,
If it's healing your'e wanting to get into, have you thought about doing a course in Reiki?
RE: Healing
Thanx. I'm not doing a healing on any one its just that I feel that I should probably learn to heal. I heard about a technique where you have your hands over someones body and try to heal them that way by channeling energy but I daren't try it on someone incase it has a bad effect. I was hoping that instead of using someone I could use myself or an object that way I could learn through the object to channel my energy properly and efficiantly without anyone getting hurt. I looked at reiki (once i found out what it was) but the problem is I need a teacher and my parents aren't fond of me being wiccan because of prejudice so I don't want to upset them by hiring or going to a tutor. is there anyway that I could use an object to practice my healing?
blessed be
RE: Healing
ORIGINAL: lozzyloo
is there anyway that I could use an object to practice my healing?
An object? What do you mean?
Don't worry about it having a bad effect, as long as your intention is good & pure, then nothing negative will happen.
Try it on yourself. Visualise a pure white light flowing down from above in through your crown, down through your body, down your arms & out of your hands. Meditate & focus on that for a while. Place your hands on yourself & see in your minds eye the positive healing pure light energy flowing out of your hands & back into yourself.
You say you don't want to upset your parents by going to a Reiki Master/Teacher, may I ask how old you are? Feel free to tell me to mind my own business lol 😀
Love & Light,
RE: Healing
I'm 16 in 4 days I know your probably thinking that I shouldn't be doing anything at such a young age. My sister began to teach me wicca when I was 11 and then she stopped and I stopped too except for weeks and weeks I had weird dreams and whenever my friend analised them for me they were telling me to get in touch with my inner witch.So I began learning again but not doing any practical just theory because when I am not intouch with my wicca I feel sad and alone but when I am I feel like I am part of something bigger than myself. I can help my friends by talking them through problems but the thing is that I don't know what I am saying to them I just say it and without my faith in myself and the world I can't help them. I probably sound like I'm trying to justify myself and I probably am but my mom has always told me that she is behind me no matter what path I choose so I am sure that when I turn 16 she will let me be who I have decided to be
Thanks for your help with my healing I will try what you have said.
blessed be lozz
RE: Healing
ORIGINAL: lozzyloo
I'm 16 in 4 days I know your probably thinking that I shouldn't be doing anything at such a young age.
No not at all. I asked your age because I was going to say that if you were over 18 then doing something like healing is something that would be up to you & not your parents. It's great that your mom says she will be behind you whatever path your on though. I can understand not wanting to upset them. Even though I am 25, I only in the last yeartold my parents about me practicing Reiki & they don't even know how that I practice Witchcraft. I don't believe in hiding things from parents & I'm definately not advising it but I personally always felt like my pathwas a personal thing & knowing my parents wouldn't be positive about it meant I kept it to myself. My mother, even now, isn't happy about me doing Reiki, however much I have tried to explain it too her. I wouldn't want my child to do this to me but I know it would upset her a great deal if I told her about my other practices, so I don't simply for that reason.
Anyway, I am drivelling on a bit here:D....back to my main point,
maybe talk to your parents about it, Reiki is not attached to any religion - you can be pagan, christian, athiest etc to practice Reiki so your parents may not be as against the idea as you think.
Happy Birthday for 4 days time too![sm=nature-smiley-008.gif]
Love & Light,
RE: Healing
thanks I'm glad someone understands. I may consider Reiki after my birthday and I will do other forms of healing too perhaps I will be glad I did it if something happens to one of my family members and doctors can't help them (I sound very dull don't I lol but I'm not it makes me happy to think I could be of help one day) I don't like hiding things from my parents either but for some reason I have always found that I should try to do things myself first my friends think its very weird but it's almost like a moral for me.
I want to learn healing so I can help people not only on the inside but on the outside too and finish the meaning of my name (not my normal name I mean my wiccan one)
I will have a look at reiki pages and see what I must do so that I can prepare myself and then I shall go and look for a master
thanks for your help and I will have a happy birthday thanks *hugs*
blessed be