Have a lovely sabbat whatever you do.
I'll be out in the woods celebrating the start of summer. 🙂
'Oh do not tell the priests of our art
cause some would call it a sin
for we will be out in the woods tonight
a-conjouring summer in!'
RE: Happy Beltane!
Hiya Moongirl,
Happy Beltane to you too! [sm=nature-smiley-008.gif]
RE: Happy Beltane!
I did not know what Beltane was.......and I'm scottish!
With the help of Google, I can now say happy Beltane to you too!!
RE: Happy Beltane!
I did not know what Beltane was.......and I'm scottish!
I just wish I was back living in Edinburgh so I could go to the Beltane Fire Festival!
RE: Happy Beltane!
I usually try to get to our local Wicker man ceremony.
[link= http://www.gallica.co.uk/celts/wickerman.htm ]http://www.gallica.co.uk/celts/wickerman.htm[/link]
(Hope this link works - fingers crossed!!)
Does anyone else go to similar ceremonies?
Best wishes
RE: Happy Beltane!
Happy Beltane to everyone - its such a joyful time of year.
How is Beltane celebrated now -
The woods are such a powerful energetic space.
I want to celebrate this wonderful Celtic Festival - but alas don't know how any tips anyone.
Luv Binah
RE: Happy Beltane!
Happy Beltane all
Am celebrating on my own as have some healing to do and some well wishing ,and wanted the new Moon to become waxing.
RE: Happy Beltane!
Merry Meet to all...
I was unaware and unable to celebrate Beltane this year as I was in hospital up to my eyes in morphine. I now feel a bit down that I was not able to celebrate as I would have liked.
Saying that tho... I was out in my garden today planting seeds for the garden... I suppose that is a way of celebrating... be it a bit belated! I've been planting Feverfew, Borage, Chamomile, Thyme, Basil, Fennel, Dill... so many lush smells and flavours and uses 🙂
Yummy [sm=flylicker.gif]
I love this time of year in the garden... there are so many things to make you smile... bees, butterflies, birds, tadpoles (there are hundreds in what remains of my pond!!!) and of course my baby Tubbs Cat pouncing after them all 😀
Happy Beltane Everyone!
RE: Happy Beltane!
Had my first acknowledged experience of tree energies on Saturday - quite wonderful and at such a special time of year. Yes being outside really opens the mind and allows a tremendous energy in. Happy beltane everyone, especially to you Mir, hope you are progressing well,
lots of love and light,
RE: Happy Beltane!
Hello everyone! Happy Beltane a bit late, but with love --
I went and looked up Beltane as Sherringham in another forum was kind enough to dedicate and light a candle for me during this time. What a happy celebration.
I also looked at the site you put out Moonfairy, it worked perfectly and was quite impressive!