Me and my fiance are thinking of getting a handfasting done as part of a civil cermony in our wedding but I dont know where to find a registrar that would do it. I live in Cumbria, does anyone have any ideas?
RE: Handfasting
Hi, I live in South Cumbria and Ulverston's Welfare State International have a humanist celebrant - Sue Gill I think - who would do a handfasting. She's very into making the ceremonies very personal so she could be a good choice for you. I know there are also humanist celebrants in Kendal too but have no details off the top of my head.
I also have a handfasting ceremony taken froma pagan book which one of my friends usedat her wedding last year. Let me know if you would like a copy of itsending (PM me with your address?).
Good luck [sm=nature-smiley-008.gif]
RE: Handfasting
Hi all,
Good luck with your handfasting Shadowskin. I'm having similar concerns about finding a sympathetic person to perform the handfasting ceremony.
My fiance and I are getting married next year, we're going to be having two ceremonies (greedy I know), one being CofEtocater for his beliefsand the handfasting ceremony to cater for mine. I felt it was too awkward asking the vicar to include the handfasting aspects into the rest of the ceremony so we are currently looking into finding someone to perform the handfasting ceremony separately. The benefits is that we'll have two anniversaries 6 months apart, and what better excuse for a party?!
If anyone has any ideas how I would find someone in the Northants area who could perform the handfasting ceremony, please let me know.
Blessed be