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Is a High Priestess here that is able to perform a handfast in mid wales for us? thanks
Blessed Be

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hello Cerridwen, welcome to healthypages.

After you have made a few posts, people will be able to pm you if they can assist you with this.

Not everyone on HP will know what 'handfasting' is- would you like to tell us a bit more about it?


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In my opinion you don't need an HP/S to be handfast.

Have you thought about asking a dear friend or family member to assist you with the celebration? Would make it much more personal.

Many of my friends have stood in as HP and HPS for handfasting celebrations for other friends, hence why I suggest it.

Enjoy the day when it arrives.

Blessed be.

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It depends if you want it to be legally binding or not.
If you want a legally binding handfasting you'll have to travel to Scotland, as they are not legally binding anywhere else in the UK. 🙁

Have you tried [url]Witch Vox[/url] yet? I would say that would be your best bet on finding someone.

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thank you for replying we found a high priest and priestess we had the most breathtaking day they performed our handfast with perfection giving us the most wonderfull day we will never forget. look them up ...
blessed be.:o

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merry meet Meadowsweet,thank you for your kind help ,we found a highpriest and priestess.they performed our handfast with perfection they made our day truly magnificent and magickal we would recommend them,they can be found at we had a eternity handfasting, we were together before and at last found each other again.My husband is conrad,which i know as he has told me alot about you,sadly his father passed away from his cancer the day before yule,and so could not be there in person to attend our handfasting but we our sure his presence was there.
blessed be.

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Fantastic news, glad you had a wonderful day and that the HP and HPS were able to provide you with what you desired.

So sorry to hear of Conrad's fathers passing, I knew he was unwell. But he will have been present in spirit for sure.

I wish you both all the happiness in the world. And you have made my day knowing Conrad has found you.

Brightest blessings to you all.

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Merry meet Meadowsweet,thank you for your reply.Had awonderfull day one night llangoed hall as our honeymoon as we have live stock,ie sheep,goats,gees,chickens so we cant spend too much time away!. We live in the Welsh mountains,on our farm,no tv,no phone,no news papers! Bliss!!!!!!!!!!! We lost our child, april just gone,wrote a letter to her to send tomorrow,samhain.We have been triying,again and again and again but nothing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please can you cast for us? has a sister i plead!
Paul @ Jennifer

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Sorry to hear you lost a child, very traumatic for you both. I'm sure she will return to this life when she is ready and able. Don't push to force her into this world, she needs a little longer. But she is with you always.

I send you both love and hope that you both have your wish fulfilled soon. Enjoy one another's company in the meantime.

Love and Light

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Thank you for your kind and thoughtful words. Hope you are fine and well and you had a good Samhain?
Blessed Be

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Unfortunately I didn't get to do what I wanted to for Samhain, I wasn't well so I stayed in and snuggled on the sofa for the weekend.

Blessed Be
