hi,is there anyone that lives in cheshire that could find it in their heart to teach me wicca? been thinking about it for a while now and its now the right time. many thanks:)
Merry Meet Conrad,
Asking to be taught about Wicca will only give you one perspective, I suggest that you look a little wider and get lots of views in order to choose what suits you. What research have you done into Wicca already?
There are lots of resources (good and bad) that will give you a perspective, but the beauty of being a Pagan is that you can choose what's right for you.
I can suggest some books if that's helpful to you. My friend is also doing an online course into Wicca so if you want the details of the course, I'll find out what the website is for you too.
If you have a specific question about Wicca then please feel free to ask and I will gladly give you my perspective, but it is only my perspective, and other Wiccan's would probably give you a different response (again the beauty of being a Pagan!).
Enjoy the path.
Brightest blessings
thank you Meadowsweet for the reply. i have researched the web pages for a few months now and i am so intrigued! i have looked indepth into the wicca rules and laws and the whole concept of wicca and im craving for more knowledge on the belief to which i am about to enter. any help from you and others would be gratefully received. conrad x
enjoy what little sun we are having!
hi Meadowsweet,you ok? what books would you suggest on the subject of wicca? i have purchased 3 tonight and awaiting delivery. Conrad x
Blessed be
peace and light
hi Meadowsweet,you ok? what books do you suggest on the subject of wicca? i have purchased 3 tonight awaiting delivery.many thanks Conrad x
Blessed be.Peace and light
save my father
any wiccan in the cheshire area able to help my father who is dying of cancer? iv been a wiccan for the last month or so,please help? Blessed be
Hi Conrad,
My apologies for my absence, a few health issues have distracted me recently. Will hopefully soon be back to full health (fingers crossed).
Right books.
Author Scott Cunningham is very good in my opinion. One of his books that I have is "Wicca: A guide for the solitary practitioner".
Another are the books written by Kate West.
I think both of these authors writing is very easy to read and their books are also good to pick up and look for stuff to help you with specific things. They give guidance on how to put spells etc together and suggestions for celebrating the sabbats and esbats.
I suggest you get outside into nature as much as possible and just enjoy. I love being outside and just looking at a leaf, a tree, an insect going about its business. Find yourself some recorded guided meditations, to help attune your spiritual side, and to help you communicate with our Goddess and God.
I will light a candle for your father. Spend what time you can with your father and make it as enjoyable as possible.
Blessed be.
hi Meadowsweet,thankyou for your reply.Are you ok??? Im concerned about you!!!!!!!!! Thankyou for putting me on my path a few weeks ago,you were what i needed! i have enrolled on a coarse and its going well.I have a few books now(9) but will order your book suggestions.Many thanks for your thoughts for my father.Keep intouch!
Blessed be
Conrad x
Hi Conrad,
I'm OK, I'm having an operation tomorrow and hopefully that will be the end of the health issue I've been facing.
I realised the other day that I'm soon to enter my thirteenth year as a Wiccan. I've been on an incredible journey in that period of time and my beliefs have increased my confidence and I have definitely grown as a person due to my faith. I look forward to the journey ahead of me. 🙂
I hope that you enjoy your spiritual journey. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. I will give you my perspective and who knows you may ask a question someone else isn't quite brave enough to ask and so you will be helping others too.
Brightest blessings to you
hi Meadowsweet,how are feeling? You will be fine tomorrow,just take easy and get well soon. Il be thinking about you. Keep intouch,i love and cherish your words of wisdom.
Conrad x x x x x x
MM Conrad,
Well the op went ok, was kept in last night just to keep an eye on me. I'm home now resting, with my darling hubby looking after me. I'll soon be on the mend. Feeling a bit restless already cause I can't get around now without a little assistance. I'm such an impatient patient lol. Must learn to allow people to look after me once in a while. That's be being a stubborn independant kind of person.
"words of wisdom" teehee... I wouldn't say that I was a very wise person, I'm too young and daft for that. My soul has a long journey ahead and I have many more lessons to learn in this life and the ones that will follow. I'm looking forward to learning and maybe one day I will consider myself wise.
Do keep in touch, you will help me learn as I help you.
Meadowsweet!! I didnt expect you here for a week or so! I told you that you would be fine,sorry,i consulted the runes to find out,i hold you very dear. So glad that you are home(happy days from here on in)home sweet home. Hope you are up and mobile asap,have a good few days of rest and being waited on hand and foot.
All my love and the brightest of blessings
Conrad x x x x x x
oh,became a vegetarian today and trust me,my credit card knows about it!!!!!
MM Conrad,
Resting and going stir crazy resting... So bored! Internet is like a light that draws me in and distracts me for my time at home. lol...
I should be mobile again soon. Will be glad to get the results in 3 weeks time and it being the end of it.
How long have you studied runes? I'm still learning them, I think its more a case of my ego and lack of self-confidence that is preventing me from progressing as effectively as I feel I ought to be, plus with everything thats going on at the moment I'm a little distracted. I have promised readings for friends so I get some practice, so really should make a bit more effort.
Why have you decided to become vegetarian? I've been almost a vegetarian for probably 17 years but my main reason at the time was that I never liked the taste and texture of meat (when I say almost vegetarian I do eat fish).
MM Meadowsweet
Hope you are feeling so much better! Iv been consulting the runes for a little while now and find them to be most accurate,although i do suggest cleaning them on a regular basis(and i dont mean in soap and water lol). I became vegetarian for a number of reasons,one,"harm none,do what ye will",two,it has opened up a whole new cooking experience,three,i have crones,getting bored of mash and pie!!! Cant eat want i want anymore,i used to spend hours making indian banquets,cant eat them anymore. Had a bowel cancer scare a couple of months ago,got the all clear. Anyway!,can i ask you a question? are you part of a coven? Let me know the outcome of your results(private message),you know i hold you very dear to my heart.
Love peace and light
Conrad x x x x x x
Blessed be
Meadowsweet,your here! how are you? x
MM Conrad,
Sorry to hear you have Crones and recently had bowel cancer scare.I'm glad you were in the clear.
A Vegetarian diet is quite fun, I love experimenting in the kitchen. If it helps your Crones all the better. 🙂 I understand what you mean by wanting to live by "an harm none, do what thou will", its amazing how a beautifully simple statement has such huge possibilities and implications.
I'm not part of a coven and don't have a desire to be. I'm quite content being a solitary practioner. I know someone in a coven who is equally happy. I have joined a local pagan group who I meet with regularly for discussions, meditations etc. They are a wonderful group of people who although I've known them less than a year I love them all very dearly.
Meadowsweet,sorry princess got to go!got a problem with one of the horses. Keep intouch,stay well and be good!
Love light and peace
Love you
Conrad x x x x x x
Blessed be
MM Meadowsweet
Hows things? You feeling any better? Couldnt face telling my daughter about her horse,she's only five. Dont know if you are interested in the tarot,but if you are what deck would you suggest for the beginner? There are so many to choose from,i have a deck but think they are for the experienced.
Love peace and light
Conrad x
Blessed be
Death is a cycle of life, you will find a way to tell your daughter about the horse I'm sure.
I do have a Tarot deck, though I don't get on with them so don't use them. They are on my altar more for decoration than anything else, one day I may return to them but they don't draw me to them right now. I'm sticking with runes and angel cards which I find so lovely to read. If you are interested in Tarot I suggest you have a look at a number of decks and choose a pack that you are drawn to and that you like to look at and hopefully you will have better luck than I have.
hi Meadowsweet
Thanks for your pleasant and extremely full of knowledge answers,greatly received and welcomed. Check my public page,meet my little nitemare!
Love Conrad x
Blessed be