Hi, I recently went on hols to cornwall from where I live in Ireland and when we were driving down I said to hubby could we call into Glastonbury. And we did and it was wonderful, i could of spent all our holiday money on all so many wonderful items from the shops. Here in Ireland it is very hard to buy anything Wicca related, so have to buy over net and costs a fortune for postage!!
Anyway it seemed all for a purpose that this conference was on the town was filled with Crone Goddesses dressed up beautifully!! But i was a little disappointed, as outside the conference hall it said what was going on and that there was a craft hall and all welcome, so i sent my hubby up to ask if it was ok to have a wander round and the person at the desk said of course. so he came down and said to me go on pop in the lady said it is ok to have a look round - this was at lunch time and we had been travelling since 3am that morning - so I was dressed for travel - ie jeans and t shirt - very normal looking - the person looked at me on desk when i asked if i could just pop in for a quick look and said - well not really there is nothing to see!! So i just quickly picked some leaflets up and went back sadly to my hubby and baby.
It made me feel that because I wasnt dressed like all the others I was not welcome, the lady on the desk was not dressed up either. I felt sad because as I had travelled such a long way, I just wanted to go in and "feel" not see ust to be around other wiccans for a few moments was all I was asking and the sign outside clearly said all welcome!! i just felt the look she gave me was no you are not welcome.
It sort of tinged the day for me as to me this is not what Wicca is about, it should be open to anyone however they are dressed - she shoudlnt of judged me on the way i was dressed. I am only beginning my journey and felt as if I was meant to be in Glastonbury on that day to see so many wiccans/pagans celebrating their beliefs.
Did anyone go to this? It woudl be lovely to hear what it was all about as I managed to pick up a few leaflets but quickly left as I knew i was not welcome. Also if anyone wants to talk Glastonbury - would love to hear about any tales as well.
Moonflower xx
I am v surprised to read this as I went to one of these events a few years ago. I got free entry to everything in exchange for running a shamanic workshop. In fact, participants got told off for not supporting those women who had stalls in the craft area .
Maybe the person who said there was not much there, thought hubby was expecting to see something going on like drumming etc.
She should have welcomed you with open arms,
I doubt you were rejected becos you did not have a goddess outfit on
Thanks Tigress, no it was to hubby she said that he was welcome to wander around, so he came back and told me that it was ok to just have a browse around so i then went in and asked if it was ok and she said well not really. Strange I know, maybe it was just a misunderstanding. I have read some of the leaflets since and yes a lot of the talks had to be paid for separately so perhaps she thought I was trying to sneak into one of these, but i did feel that i somehow did not look the part, so was not welcome - hubby is a full of charm - cheeky irish man.
I hope to perhaps attend a course in Glastonbury one weekend or hubby said we can go there for a weekend at some stage as he could see how much i loved it, so will try and make it when something is on again.
Hi Jess 🙂
I am sorry that you were treated in this way, that is a shame. 🙁
Even though I lived in Devon now I am a Somerset girl and used to spend a lot of time in Glastonbury but I have to say that the last time I visited Glastonbury which was about 3 years ago it felt 'strange'. For some reason I felt that the energy was very heavy and I didn't enjoy the day as much as usual.
I thought it was just me having an off day or something but funnily enough I have spoken to some people very recently who have had similar feelings and experiences when visiting Glastonbury so maybe there is something in it.?! These people mentioned it to me first.
They have also been visiting Glastonbury for years but said that about 3/4 years ago they felt a heavy atmosphere around the area and they couldn't explain it either. It made them feel uncomfortable and they haven't returned.
I haven't returned in three years purely because I now live here and have other places to explore but it would be interesting to know if other members have had similar experiences.
Let me know if you go again, I am sure you will have a better experience next time!
Hi Moongoddess,
thanks for your input. When I was in my late teens, i worked in Minehead for a couple of years and was brought up in a small market town in Hampshire. I never went to Glastonbury though until now, and yes I enjoyed it but mainly the shops etc. We didnt do any tours which I would love to do. When I went to Cornwall, i was explaining to my hubby that a lot of places in Cornwall you feel and not see ie you go and stand at an ancient site and feel the energy. But unfortunately we went to wrong part this time near Newquay, I believe the Lands End area/Sennon Cove has more significance.
Anyway back to Glastonbury, yes it was lovely for me very much a novelty, but I can understand what you mean about the energy. What are your feelings on why this is? I must admit after what happened at the conference I felt a bit weird about things, and it wasnt a nice feeling, but then the shops made up for it.
I loved the energy aroound the Somerset coast line, we drove up that way from Cornwall so I could go back to Minehead, it took forever but was so worth it, to see it all again from a 35 year old eyes and not an 18 yr old was wonderful. I really hope my journey in life brings me back to live around that area.
Funny thing is where I live in Ireland is around Hill Tara, NewGrange,Knowth etc, this is a beautiful spiritual area and I believe the wiccan festivals are celebrated at the Hill of Tara (not sure how openly though) - also a wonderful place where you can sit and really connect with nature and spirit.
Hi Moonflower
Funnily enough I am off to Minehead on Saturday to see my Mother-In-Law!
I have never been to Sennon Cove/Lands End which is such a shame. I know lots of people that go to Sennon Cove, in particular my Uncle has been going there for his holidays for a few years on and off now. I am determined to get there one day soon as I would like to visit all around that area.
We must pm each other and catch up in some more detail!
Hi Moongoddess, funny how small the world is isnt it! I am hoping to come over to uk from time to time to do courses and maybe a retreat or something. My hubby likes his golf weekends and said would i not want to go away with my friends for weekend and to tell the truth, would much rather go on a course with like minded people for a treat than a boozy or shopping weekend away. So will be watching the site for anything of interest or if you hear of anything please let me know.
I have just started cutting back some of our trees and bushes in the garden and as I am doing it i notice i am silently talking to the trees -this is something I have always done.....but only just realised i am not as strange as I originally thought!
Hi moonflower 🙂 good to hear from you again!
It is funny but I have just had a week off work and very nearly went up for a visit to Glastonbury, but I didn't make it after all. I will definitely be taking another trip up there soon though I hope to see what it is like now.
I quite agree with you about wanting to spend time with likeminded people, that is how I feel, I would much rather go on a course and expand my knowledge. I do not go out or drink anymore and to be honest I do not miss it either!
I am wanting to book up a course at the Arthur Findlay College at some point as I feel I would benefit from an intensive course. I am lucky that I have the chance of attending courses nearby at the local spiritualist church with some very good mediums as tutors. I recently attended a course with Tim Abbot who I like very much. It was a Trance Workshop and was fascinating. I attended a course with Tim last year too and it is his course I would like to go to at the college next year. Thing is you have to book now really in order to secure a place and I do not know what to do. The course I am interested in is 'Raising the Standards' a mediumship course where he will be covering platform and one to one work. Hmmm I am very tempted!
I will certainly let you know if I hear of anything else exciting! Feel free to pm me again any time, it is nice to catch up with you.
Hi Moongoddess,
Your courses sound very exciting. I wish i could go to a spiritualist church here but unfortunately they seem to be non exisitent in Ireland, apart from Northern Ireland. Unfortunately this tends to make people use this an an opportunity to make money and any development courses that are available are very expensive. Like you I would like to do an intensive weekend course at some stage.
But I am keeping busy, i have my wicca studies to throw myself into and I am currently looking for a correspondance course on Astrology, so that will also keep me busy. I plan also to do my Reiki 2 soon as I feel ready now and i tend to find it is there often during my Reflexology treatments, so need Reiki 2 to practice it.
I must have a look at the Arthur Findlay website, i presume there is one?
Hi Moonflower :wave: It's good to hear from you again!
It sounds like you have lots of things to keep you occupied at the moment and doing your Reiki 2 will be good as you say it comes in anyway, so you just need to get the certificate. Get yourself booked for it as soon as you can!
So how are your Wiccan studies coming along then? It is fascinating isn't it? I never tire of learning and can't stop myself buying wiccan related books. The good thing is with books you can keep referring back to them for guidance on spells and oils and brews etc.
pm me if you like and we can keep in touch that way
By the way here is the link for the college:
Let me know what you think!! 🙂