I've read a few accounts of how various people experience the God and Goddess in different ways. I have felt drawn to representing them by the Sun and Moon, bit feel it lacks the personal touch and am not quite confident with this yet- perhaps for a reason?
I am interested to know how others experience the God and Goddess- not just for validation, but for inspiration. If anyone would like to share, I would be extremely grateful
Blessings xxx
RE: God and Goddess
Hi Tatiana,
I see the God and Goddess as poeple. When im performing my rituals i call upon them to join me and my circle. I see them and feel their energy with me. I do also have representations of them on my alter during rituals. For me this is a gold candle for God and a silver candle for the Goddess. But you can use any representation that feels right for you. It could be a painting youve have even drawn yourself or anything. There are no rights or wrongs, it always is what feels right for you.
I also feel the moon represents the Goddess and the sun the God, and hasnt the Goddess been looking beautiful these past few days!
Star x
RE: God and Goddess
Thanks, Star 🙂
I've PM'd you a reply to this.without realising, already!
Love and light,
Tatiana x
Last night I went to my first meeting to learn the craft from scratch. I have been interested in crystals, astrology, tarot, incense and the general power and healing ability of nature for a long time and was asked to join this group.
One thing I found a little alarming, being not in the slightest religous and VERY wary of the whole aspect of religion, was the discussion of gods and goddesses. Can someone enlighten me why people who I thought were earthy people apparently believe in gods. I find it very confusing and somewhat alarming. Also why are they called apon for things? - surely the power comes from our joining with nature?
Thankyou in advance
Hi calcitestar
The craft of the wise......Witchcraft, Wicca, has it's roots in feminine mythology........We live in a more open and acceptable society now and we are not only lucky enough to be able to follow whatever religion we choose, but practice it openly.
I assume it was an introduction to Wicca that you attended, or a moot. I'm glad that you are taking the time to attend such meetings.......all will be revealed !
Holistic therapies and one's ' Spiritual Path ' go hand in hand.........
Seek and you will find.
Oakapple xx
Dear Oakapple,
Thank you for replying. Yes it was an introduction to Wicca. We are all novices so it should be an interesting trip. I hope that "all will be revealed" soon as this is making me not want to go forward. The rest of the evening was fine - hard work for novices though!
Thanks again
I hope that "all will be revealed" soon as this is making me not want to go forward.
Hi Sally
I'd try to be a bit patient if I were you. I've been hoping for over ten years that 'all will be revealed' and I've come to the conclusion that it probably never will be. But the journey will be worth the wait! Please don't be 'alarmed' about people believing in God and Goddess. Keep an open mind - anything is possible. You don't have to believe in anything that doesn't feel right for you but I suggest you ask yourself why this concept should be so off putting for you.
Sunanda xxx
Hi sally
You have some really well organised groups around your area. I would try to attend a few open rituals, even just as a spectator. Once you speak to like-minded folk, it will become much clearer......I.m sure lots of people on hp will give you guidance as well !!.....just ask, I'm sure they would answer any questions.
Oakapple xx
try ferndrake@lineone.net or wobblybod@yahoo.co.uk im sure they will advise you or maybe even reassure you on the path you may have chosen. there knowledge is endless. best wishes on your pathway
Thank you all for your reasurance. I think that my perseption is that these natural things are to be worked with not worshipped. That's why I don't like the idea of gods and goddesses. Does this mean wicca is not for me or does it allow for these views?
Only you have the answer to that question;
Good Luck on you spiritual journey....
Oakapple xx
Hi Calcitestar,
I started reading your posts and my first thoughts were how lucky you are to have found such a group, i live over here in Ireland and find it very difficult to find anything like this............
But it also came to me as i read the following posts that maybe you should continue on your solitary path for a while longer? If the ideas from the group did not sit too well with you then perhaps you may prefer learning alone for a while longer........I am still very much a novice and getting my head around so many things......but my feelings are getting stronger all the time......slowly i am progressing but I think the reason i have not found a group yet is that i am not ready........
I have been advised to keep a journal and my first entry will be that yesterday i went to visit a beautiful castle set in lovely gardens......a while back i visited the gardens and even though i enjoyed them, yesterday's experince was so spiritual and different......i just didnt want to leave........so all will be revealed makes perfect sense to me but in time with your own energy field, when its right for you..........
I will be ordering some of Doreen Virtues goddess oracle cards and plan to begin working with them as this I feel will enlighten me so much more....
Moonflower x