Hi, I'm Tabitha, 20 years old from western PA. I'm a newbie to both Wicca and forums, so please forgive me for any mistakes.
I'm looking for someone to help me learn more about Wicca and what it means to be a Wiccan. I've done some reading on my own, but I feel I need someone who is more experienced then me to help me further my religious education. I've had a rough couple of months this year, and Wicca was something I found comfort in during my hard times.
I was raised Christian so my family is all Christian and greatly against my interest in anything relating to Wicca. I can't go to them for understanding, and even many of my friends. I was never fully comfortable with my Christian upbringing, and since discovering Wicca, I've found a sort of peace, like someone out there really does understand me.
Please, if anyone is interested in talking to me, I would greatly appreciate it. Since I'm still very green when it comes to forums, I'm easiest to contact by email. I hope to hear from someone. Thank youall who read this. 🙂
EDIT: Members are advised not to quote email addresses or other personal contact details on the open forums.
RE: General Newbie
Welcome aboard, Schweetie! (I sound like Humphrey Bogart. 😉 )
I'm sure there will be someone along soon to answer your questions.