Hi there
I often hear lots of events are tied in with the phases of the moon. For example I have heard there are more car crashes when there is a full moon (or maybe that is when there is no moon and I have remembered incorrectly). I have also heard that a woman's period is tied into the cycle of the moon (28 days - it makes sense but then wouldn't all women have their periods at the same time??). A full moon is considered as romantic becasue this is the time that a woman is ovulating therefore at her most fertile. And where does this idea come from that people 'turn' into werewolves at a full moon?
I's be really interested if anyone could help to explain where some of these myths or truths come from. Or if they have anymore to add.
RE: Full Moon happenings
Hi rebecca
Intresting post. The moon has effects on us in many ways, moods etc. Many people find this strange, but it has been observed over centuries, it is , afterall, how the word Lunatic found its way into our vocabulary.
It becomes a bit more possible when you look at the effect the moon has on the earths water, she does control the tides afterall, then consider that we are infact approx 70% water and anything becomes possible..
Neil C
RE: Full Moon happenings
Hi Jimjam
I am very conscious of the phases of the moon and find it a fascinating subject.
I don't think these full moon happenings are all myths.
My mum was a nurse working in casualty when she was a young woman and she says it was accepted that at a full moon there would be more road traffic accident victims. Also a relative who was a Samaritan told me that their calls from depairing and depressed clients peaked around the full moon - so it is not all good news I am afraid. But it does add to the body of evidence that the moon phases do affect us.
Yes - women's periods are tied into the cycle of the moon, but we don't all necessarily have them at the same time. It is said that as you become more aware of the moon's cycles you gradually change yours so that your period does occur round the full moon. However, I have to say I have never acheived this! What you may find is that amongst a group of women who live or work closely together, your cycles gradually adjust so that they all coincide. This has happened to me several times in my life with various groups of friends.
Interesting isn't it?
Love Celtia
RE: Full Moon happenings
Celtia, that has happened many times with me before as well with having the same cycles as women around me - I don't know exactly why it happens but it surely does!
I personally find that I have a lot more "weird happenings" the few days leading up to & during my period - I've heard this is quite common - I seem to be a lot more intuitive & have psychic flashes or thoughts around that time, which I don't really seem to get the rest of the month. It's usually with lots of little thing as opposed to big profound visions or anything, just day to day stuff.
As for full moons, I knew a woman who was a primary school teacher, & she said that during a full moon the children seemed a lot more "manic" & more of a handful around then.
I don't doubt that there is something in it but I can't say I understand what it is!