Feast of Rhiannon 4th March
It is a popular custom Wiccans and Druids of Wales and Ireland to honour the Goddess Rhiannon today. Known as " Rigantona "meaning Great Queen, Rhiannon has been Identified with the Gaulish mare Goddess Epopna.
Rhiannons divine is Indicated by her first encounter with Pwyll, the king of Dyfed. Riding slowly past him on a large white horse,he was entranced and persued her. But even with the swiftest of mounts he could not overtake her. Finally in desperation,he called out to her.
Rhiannon stopped to converse with him, admitting she was seeking him out. Pwyll won Rhiannons love and when she arrived at his court to be married,she brought precious gifts for all the nobles. Hence her Image of a generous,bountiful queen Goddess.
Apple on a string ( Love Spell )
Select a large red apple.Mark sections on the outside peel by scraping lines into the peel .Scrape the names or Initials of the person / people into each section marked on the apple, that you wishfor Lovers.
Tie a string to the stem of the apple and hang it from any support. Next twirl the apple around so that when you release it, It will spin in a clockwise direction. Hold a 3-Inch needle in your hand and as the apple begins to twirl, close your eyes and repeat the following chant
Bountiful Queen ,Goddess of love,
Shower your blessings from above,
As I work this apple spell,
Show me the one who will love me well .
As you finish the chant, push the needle all the way into the apple.Steadying the fruit with your other hand.The name in the section where the pin has pierced will be your true lover.
Goddess Blessings
RE: Feast of Rhiannon 4th March
Thanks Oakapple, as always your posts are in depth and intresting.