Feast of Purification 13th Match
Today date marks the Balinese feast of purification , the time of the year when the lord of hell cleans out his underworld lair , and all manner of demons and evil spirits are left to roam Bali free . During this time....when evil is afoot......the natives go to elaborate lengths to purify both their individual homes as well as the island . No coner or stone is left untouched as rites of purification and spells for protection are recounted .
We all feel we need protection sometimes.........here's a spell that might help.............
Protection Bottle
Item needed ; One small jar; enough of the following items to fill the jar.
Broken glass
Wire wool
Your own urine;.........
One black candle;
One red marker pen.
Fill the bottle with items and seal tightly . On the top of the lid draw a pentacle, with red marker. Plase the black candle on the lid of the jar and light it . Chant the following over the candle
Candle of black, and hexes old,
Release the powers that you hold,
Reverse the flow of spells once cast,
Leave pain and sorrow in the past.
Let the candle burn out . Take the bottle and bury it in the Earth close to your home . The bottle will protect you and your family from harm. In most cases the bottle will form a shield of protection for about six months . When the spell begins to weaken , just repeat by making a new bottle.
RE: Feast of Purification 13th March
thanks again.
However this one I think I shall hit and miss.. .lol
No that I don't need protection, but that one seems a bit messy..