merry meet all
how do you incorpate wicca into your everyday life? I have just read a very good book about this called "The Circle Within" and have noticed its not a subject often touched on. I meditate everyday and now light a candle and say at thank you to the god and goddess. i plan to incorpate it in even more! what do you do?
RE: everyday wicca
I'm not big on ritual but I would like to think that it has become an integral part of who I am. I feel that I am a better, kinder, more thoughful person because of my beliefs, not because someone tells me that I should or that I feel something bad will happen if I am not but because I want to be. I notice things more, the small things, like the birds singing, the wind rustling the leaves. I am grateful for these things and find it so sad that so many people walk through life oblivious.
I try to give my thanks to the Divine God and Goddes by being kind to animals (helping those in distress, putting out food for the birds), respecting nature and trying (I try hard but don't always succeed!) to be nice to other human beings.
RE: everyday wicca
merry meet!
How do I integrate Wicca into my everyday life? Hmm... well, its a way of life for me, and i live my life according to certain sacred (to me) principles. Its really important that i follow these ways, but live and let live, I dont think any the less of any other witch who does things differently to me. Firstly, do no harm. For me this means a cruelty free diet, i eat vegan, and try to avoid products that cause harm or suffering to any being, and this also means being as informed as i can about the the origin of all the things i use in my life.However I dont take it to hair pulling out extremes any more, as a youngster i could be quite obsessional, entering my cronehood,i have a little more of a sense of humor!!
Oh I could write a book about this, im just realising the extent to which my beliefs influence my life...I celebrate all the major festivals, and several minor ones too, the Dianic bent of my youthful practise has now given way to a more dualistic worship,the God gets much more of a lookin these days! im softening! I work with crystals alot,(my personal obsession,im crazy about them..) and sometimes do readings to start my day from them.I also use the motherpeace tarot...very seventies, i know,but im attached! I use pendulums and runes too.
I have a big herb garden out back and one of my first daily tasks is tending and chatting to my plants,very demanding at this time of year!
I even bring my beliefs into house cleaning and stuff, brushing in certain directions,never toward the house or family,dirt and chaos goes one way,out! or thats the idea!
Im a solitary practitioner, but one day i'd like to find some like minded friends and form a coven.
Hey, anyone interested?? another thread perhaps!
Blessings all!
RE: everyday wicca
Maybe we could have avirtual coven!!!! *lights candles and gets the incense out*
RE: everyday wicca
By being at one with Mother Earth and nature on a daily basis...
luv & peace
stormdeva x
RE: everyday wicca
me, I wear a penticle and some form of crystal or gemstone. usually heamatite ear rings to ground me andd to remind me of the earth that i came from and where my body will return to after my spitit has gone.
I also try my best to recycle. i am not perfect but i try