ever tried magic an...
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ever tried magic and spells?

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I am interested to find out if any of you have ever consulted magicians or witches that have done spells or magical work for you. If so, then did you get the results you wanted, and also where do they advertise, and who are they?

I am also interested to find the ones that do not advertise, the old worldy type, the ones that are by word of mouth alone, and this also for psychics and clairvoyants, the old lady type, if you know what I mean?

Look forward to replies


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RE: ever tried magic and spells?

Hello SolarFire,

You pose an interesting enquiry. There are many mediums and witches 'out there' who are recommended by word of mouth, and that is the best recommendation. I have never seen adverts for witches offering to cast spells for people, as that can be dangerous. You see SolarFire, spells are very, very powerful, both for the witch who is casting it, for those desiring its casting and for the intended recipient. If you want to cast a spell on someone, you have to be very sure of your motives, and whether or not it will harm that person or animal, or anyone connected with them. Love potions and spells are very popular, but amateurs who dabble in it do so with recklessness, not thinking of anything but their own selfishness in many cases.
If you require a spiritual reading, you can visit your local Spiritualist Church, where mediums are genuine types. The Church officials can recommend a suitable medium for you, or you could arrange to visit when they have a 'private sitting' afternoon. I cannot recommend the Churches highly enough. They will know of the local mediums and whom to recommend to you. Try that avenue first, that would be my advice.
Finding a witch who would be prepared to cast a spell for you 'off pat' as it were, is much more difficult. You will have to meet the witch or witches first, and they will ask you why you want to cast a spell. Remember, no medium, psychic or witch worth his or her salt would advise you to dabble in it yourself, unless you were totally familiar with the 'craft.' We are forbidden to change peoples' destinies and life paths. However, if witchcraft interests you, perhaps you would like to read more about it, and the good witchcraft books will include a name and address for you to contact if you want to pursue that life path, or even for more information. The Pagan Society is a good start, and they have their own website. Good luck!

Blessings, Pats.

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RE: ever tried magic and spells?

nope don't need em and nor do you

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RE: ever tried magic and spells?


Magic is a part of the universe, everyone uses it to some degree just that others use it with intention and others use it without knowing. It is part of my belief, it works but it is in line with my faith wiccan, so you might as well say jewish people don't need their festivals, and all the ritualism that goes with that, and the same for other religions. And I am sure a lot of people on here will agree with me.

In love and light


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RE: ever tried magic and spells?

I totally agree with you solar fire!!
It is up to the individual to decide what is right for them and what is not. Its not up to others to tell them what they need and what they dont need.
I say to people, before deciding upon following the craft, one must first research the subject and find out if it is the right path for them. One must not enter into the craft lightly and must do so for the right reasons and with good intentions.
It is my opinion that those who have no knowledge of a subject should neither condone nor condemn it.
L & L Shelli

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RE: ever tried magic and spells?

Hi SolarFire,

Yes, if the path feels right for you, then you must take it. Don't do anything daft though, do your research first and don't be tempted to cast spells without having had proper instruction.


Thanks for that. So many people are searching for something more these days, and as progression becomes normal, then this will happen more and more. I think that this has been going on for some time now. We all have our destinies to fulfil, and how we achieve them is up to us.

Blessings, Pats.
