December - February
At Midwinter (21-22 December) you embrace loved ones under the Druid's sacred branch, mistletoe & exchange Yuletide gift.
Towards Imbic (2 February) days become longer & brighter, & you celebrate the return of the Sun. Chrstians call this fire festival Candlemas. it was also know as Oimetic, 'ewes milk', as this is the time of the first spring lambs
As nature reaches the height of cold in winter, so it starts to turn towards the thaw of spring
May - June
From Beltane you experience a resurgence of energy in nature & in yourself. All of creation is blooming & so are you. Bluebells dance & the hedgerows are glorious with the fragrant blossoms of hawthorn, elder & wild rose. It is a time of great achievement & activity. Everything in nature is waxing to its fullest as you move towards the longest day
As the seasons continue to turn, so nature's owers are increased with the warming Sun
August - September
Lammas (4 August) means 'loafmass' as you now see poppies in fields of ripened corn; between now & Autumn Equinox (20-21 September) that golden corn will be harvested & bread baked from the grain. The juicy hedge-fruits appearing now give you an indication of how good the harvest will be - both in the natural world and in your own life
Towards the end of summer, enjoy the fruits of nature & reap the rewards of the season
February - May
At Spring Equinox (20-21 March) the days & nights are of equal length & you put your clocks forward to increase the daylight hurs. Delicate primroses bloom & daffoldils nod in brisk breezes. As you move through April towards beltane (1 May) all of nature is bursting with new life & your own thoughts turn towards romance & creativity
In the first new days of spring, nature's fertile energies begin to blossom & bloom
June - August
Marrigolds mirror the full stregth of the Sunon solstice day 21 June) Also known as Litha, this joyful Midsummer festival is a celebration of Earth's fertility, creativity & vitality, as well as yur own! Bees & butterflies seek nectar on golden afternoons & balmy evenings as the wheel turns to Lammas, festival of the first fruits of the year
At the geight of summer, nature is in full bloom & so are you. it is time to reap your rewards
September - October
As trees shed brown leaves, nuts & seeds, you move from autumn to winter through to the Celtic New year at Samhain (31 October). Traditionally, the 'veils between the worlds' are thinnest at this time & the ancestral spirits draw closer to you. You can light a candle to welcome them & carve a pumpkin jack-o-lantern to ward off any mischievious fairies!
As nature tucks away its life deep with the earth for another cycle, reflect upon the past year
luv & peace
stormdeva x
Info' taken from Mind, Body, Spirit Magazine